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slowly going mad!!!!!!

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moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 15:46

l don't know what to do next. My grtgrt grandfather says he was born in Warminster Wilts in 1841 ( his age changes on the 3 census that l have him on). l can't find any birth cert.marriage cert only a death one. His name is down as George Henry Wilson.....but on the 1881 census it's George Henry. A mistake, l thought.....but no, on a directory of Bristol, he is down as a money lender....George Henry!! His wife is Lucy, and my grt gran is Maude. l can't find a birth cert for her, either. She was born in Bristol in 1879-1880, but no cert. l think he's definately dodgy!!!! but has anyone any idea what l should do next to find out anything??????? He turns up in London on the 1891 and 1901 census. Thanx Maureen...slowly going mad.....of Dorset


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 17:00

Hi Mary......haven't looked in Liverpool as his wife was 15yrs younger than him. nothing about his family....and no-one says born in Warminster! Maureen


Judith Report 16 Feb 2005 18:04

Have you tried looking for a birth or baptism in the name of George HENRY - it looks like this was not a second christian name but a surname, so perhaps his parents were not married when he was born and one had the surname Henry the other Wilson.


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 18:39

hi Judith.....yes l have tried looking for Henry as a birth luck with that either. Can you see why it's driving me mad? Maureen


Peter Report 16 Feb 2005 19:04

Some other resons for changing your name and where to look. As a money lender His name might of clashed with another in the same work and same Area Might of needed to hide from Debters and (Like one of my relles) Did a moonlight flit Had agument with family and disownd them. Look in local papers for noteis of name change Deed poll docs buisness directorys and anoncments Magistrates for name change or debters case Papers for storys of Money lender dose runner and the like Today if you whant to change your name you can just do it but to make it leagel and for it to be seen on officel docs it must go threw a Deed poll notes that involves the courts and (then) St Catherins House PS Is that good enough for a £1


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 19:17

Hi Peter.....yes l will donate a £1 !! Out of interest in the 1891 and 1901 census Mr Wilson was an estate agent and autioneer....another noble Maureen


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 19:45

Hi 1891 and 1901 census he gave Warminster Wilts. Maureen


maggiewinchester Report 16 Feb 2005 19:57

Hi, It could have been either Warminster or Warminter - both are in Wiltshire and what's an 's' between illiterate ancestors and trancribers!! LOL maggie


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 20:09

Maggie....thanx for that....didn't know there were two similar.......perhaps the census were wrong or l read it wrong....something for me to check out. Maureen


Alyson. Report 16 Feb 2005 20:09

Hi Maureen. I have exactly the same with one of my rellies(not born,married or died) so i know how you feel. Take a break and look for someone else and then go back to him later. Good Luck Alyson


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 20:12

thanx Alyson. l have been doing that for months....going on to others and then back to him. If l could find my grt grans birth then at least l would know her mums maiden name.....then l could start searching again. Good luck with yours. Maureen


moggyrud Report 16 Feb 2005 20:55

Mary has told me that she lives in Wiltshire and has never heard of Warminter....anyone else know. Maureen


moggyrud Report 17 Feb 2005 13:04

Mary and l have both checked and Warminter isn't in the Atlas. Also as she pointed out, as a money-lender he would have been able to read and write. l think one day l will have to admit defeat. maureen