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Rubbish Marriage Cert from GRO
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Val | Report | 18 Feb 2005 12:30 |
Why they can't do the same as Scotland is beyond me as there site is pretty good as a lot of certificates are on site depending what years and a lot more information |
Joy | Report | 18 Feb 2005 12:23 |
I had a problem with one because it was partly illegible, and I emailed them. They responded quickly saying yes it was difficult to read and helped me with it. Joy |
Darren | Report | 18 Feb 2005 12:18 |
Just to let anyone interested know, contacted the GRO this morning and they have asked that i return the copy back to them and they will get the tapes out and have one handwritten if its bad enough. |
Darren | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:20 |
Thats the problem chloe i can't get to the parish...too far away. Looking at the photocopy, thats basically all it is, i would say that the original is in good condition and would be easily readable. But the copy that i ave received has parts of the writing missing and in order to get the church name within the confines of the print they have chopped the tops of the letters off. I will ring thm tomorrow and see what they say. i shouldn't think there will be a problem. I just wondered how common this is. They must employ some sort of quality control bearing in mind what these old cert are used for. It seem quite odd that they would dispatch one that was illegible. I hope that doesn't sound like a rant at all:-) |
Elisabeth | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:11 |
Try scanning it and adjusting the brightness etc. It sometimes works a treat. |
McDitzy | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:11 |
Some records are in very bad condition..... some aren't. Given that they are rather old, it's to be expected really. Some are in such bad condition that they type out/write out the details for you. BUT, you might have more luck and a better copy from the local parish records office (if you can get there), now that you have the church, the date etc it should be easy to locate it. The parish records are better in that you get to see your ancestor's actual handwriting! Chloe |
Darren | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:04 |
Thanks Linda, i think i will request a written copy as there are several area's which are completely illegible. |
Jane | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:17 |
I'm a bit confused. I thought you had to send for a certificate by post and wait for the printed copy. How and when did they start to tell you things over the phone? Did you pay? |
Darren | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:14 |
Will do, thanks Lou |
Unknown | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:12 |
Hi Darren They gave me the info over the phone BUT I didn't actually ask for a replacement cert, in fairness to them they provided me with the info I'd asked for. Mine possibly wasn't as bad as yours cos once they'd said what it should say, you could tell that's what it should be. If its really bad, ask for a replacement Lou |
Darren | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:03 |
Did they do it over the telephone lou or send out a transcript of the cert? |
Unknown | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:02 |
Darren Yep, I had one that was pretty bad. I couldn't make out the address or the father's name (it was a birth cert) so I complained and the information was found for me Lou |
Darren | Report | 17 Feb 2005 16:58 |
Hi all, don't know if anyone else has had this problem. I have received a cert this morning after a long wait which is a terrible copy/print. We order these thing in order to progress using the names listed etc. I can hardly male out the names or places because the copy is so bad. Has anyone come across this and complained to the GRO and what if any response was gained. Darren |