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Stillbirth and Living Birth (Twins) Help please...
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Smiley | Report | 12 Jul 2005 00:54 |
nudged to give someone a bit of info hopefully |
Smiley | Report | 24 Feb 2005 16:18 |
My mother in law was a twin, her brother was stillborn. There is no record of him anywhere nor are there are any markings by her record on 1837 This was 1929 sam |
Aileen | Report | 24 Feb 2005 15:15 |
Like Abigail I have been wondering about twins in my dad's family and now, maybe, I know why I haven't been able to find out much info about them..maybe one died really young or was stillborn. I hadn't considered those possibilities before. Hope you manage to find some answers too,Tracy! Aileenx |
Sheila | Report | 23 Feb 2005 14:05 |
Hi Tracey, Think the best thing to do is either e-mail 1837 or phone them, they should be able to explain this to you, Sorry I could not have been of more help. Sheila |
Tracy | Report | 23 Feb 2005 13:48 |
Hi Sheila, Sorry but no they had already been married and had previous children. Just curious as to whether the 'S' signified anything like poss stillbirth. Tracey |
Sheila | Report | 23 Feb 2005 13:11 |
Hi again, The times I have noticed it the babys surname is the same as the mothers maiden name, indicating she is single is it possible the mother has married and the new husband has formally adopted the child? Sheila |
Tracy | Report | 23 Feb 2005 13:00 |
Hi Sheila Thanks for replying. No the number is not crossed out and no new number is next to it. It has the normal volume number then the page number (which is 4 digits) then a 'S' straight after it. I have this from the 1837 online of births and there are very few with a S after it! I know its definately not a case of adoption. Do you have any other ideas?? Thanks Tracey |
Sheila | Report | 23 Feb 2005 12:42 |
Hi Tracey, Is the number crossed through with a new number and an S next to it? this sometimes indicates an adoption. Regards Sheila. p.s think I have also seen ordinary numbers with a S next to them and just presumed they where also adopted as it seems to coincide with the birth being registered to an unmarried mother, I sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. |
Abigail | Report | 23 Feb 2005 11:00 |
Nicolha, Which thread did you mean? Does it have scottish still births as well? Thanks Abigail |
Tracy | Report | 23 Feb 2005 10:39 |
Thanks Nicola for that i have had a read through and it is very interesting and sad. I will try and look into this a bit more. Am going to post this on the records board to see if anyone there can help with the ref number ending in 'S' Tracey |
Nichola | Report | 23 Feb 2005 08:38 |
I will nudge a thread you should find useful. It gives the name and address of a woman who holds a stillbirth register. Nicky |
Abigail | Report | 23 Feb 2005 07:52 |
I have absolutely no idea of the answers to your questions but you have made me realise why I probably have not found a pair of twins that I was looking for. So thanks for your help! I will keep checking back to see if anyone can help you. You never know what you are going to learn on this site do you? Abigail |
Tracy | Report | 23 Feb 2005 01:06 |
Does anyone know how to find out it: Twins were born but one of them was stillborn. I know if twins were born they are both registered and a time of birth is placed on the certificates even if one died within minutes of being born. But this does not apply if one is stillborn and the other lives. The living child does not have a time of birth placed on the certificate to indicate they was a twin. I have tried checking on all the registration sites but it doesnt tell you for the above senario. Can i also ask if anyone knows that when a gro ref is obtained from the original registers if they know what a 'S' on the end of the numbers means? Is this relevant to the above to signify that they had a twin that was stillborn, or am i way out on that! Any help appreciated. Tracey |