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F T M 2005 has anyone made a book?
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Cosmosmallpiece | Report | 1 Mar 2005 20:35 |
Hi has anyone made a book out of family tree maker 2005 and if so is it like a story?Thanks Lita |
Heather | Report | 1 Mar 2005 21:28 |
I was looking at that facility. I should imagine it just prints up all your notes and info on two sides of an A4 so that you can fold it up like a note book and give it to someone. Id be interested to hear if anyone has done it. |
Debby | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:13 |
So you can download tree from here onto FTM2005 and not lose anything but if you upload FTM onto here you do? Debby |
Tony | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:14 |
It prints full size A4, You can add pretty much what you want in it. Customised trees, family group sheets etc and save them for use in the book. You can import word and excell sheets. It even adds an index and table of contents. Its a pretty good feature. Tony |
Darksecretz | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:15 |
hi there, I havent made a book, YET! I have just been looking at it tho' on FTM 2005, seems fairly easy to do, looking at the tutorial it would seem that you can pretty much tailor your Book for individual family members, you can then print them off, and give to family members, Christmas pressies maybe,?? you can also put in your tree's, add photos, etc... oohhherrrr I'm beginning to sound like an advert oh eck!!!!! i'll shut up waffling regards Julie |
Heather | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:15 |
No, you dont lose anything if you export from FT2005 into GR. |
Debby | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:22 |
Heather I'm sure I've seen a thread earlier today that says you lose all the baptism dates etc. Would be a real chore for me at this state - 310 on my tree and still loads to add. Debby |
Heather | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:24 |
No I think that thread was about someone who had an earlier version of the FTM and she said that when she moved info from the old one to the new FT2005 the baptisms didnt have the same little boxes to go into on the new one and just went on to the notes? |
Heather | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:27 |
Tracey you can buy a book and video guide, but I dont think its worth it. To upload all the stuff from the GR site, just go to the left hand margin and click on the import/export trees link and all is explained. If I can do it, you can! There is a very good help tab on the program which you can use. Do play about with the program because Ive had mine since before Xmas and I am still finding new bits on it. Only recently I found how to detach children from one set of parents to another when I found they belonged to the wife and her first hubby. Also how to just click on sort children to get them all in date order. Lots of things yet to find on it! |
Natalie | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:27 |
If anyone hasn't got FTM 2005 (or like me....still saving up!), you can always do your own book using Word. Just type up your family information and insert any images (photos/maps etc). I did a short 'summary' of our family history to go out with my family Christmas cards. It was a bit amateur looking, but it did spark off a lot of interest from cousins etc. The idea of a proper (2-sided A4) book is lovely, though, especially as a christening or wedding present. I'll start saving a bit harder now!!!! Natalie |
Sidami | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:31 |
Hello Lita, I have the paf from family search very much the same thing as yours, I have done a book with the info that I have put into it, it goes through he generations printing out dates and notes also census info that I have put on. On one of my lines I have printed out a book it has about 60 pages. Enjoy Sue............ |
Researching: |
Debby | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:38 |
Thanks Heather I misunderstood. I'm starting on mine for the very first time bright and early tomorrow morning and can't wait! Debby |
Cosmosmallpiece | Report | 1 Mar 2005 22:56 |
Sorry been away trying it out ,it looks good. Thank you for all your help Lita |