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CATHKIN Report 8 Mar 2005 16:48

Ann have found the Doigs on Doig website in case you`re still looking,thanks. Rosalyn


BABZ... Report 8 Mar 2005 07:27

Hello Anne Yes please, if I could ask for help with my DANIEL McCOWAN b.c1854 Do you have '61 and '71 Scotland census?? I have him mistranscribed on 1891 in West Derby with wife EMMA ?? and their 3 sons Andrew b.c1883. My Granddad William Lewis b.1885. Daniel Hugh b.c1891 (sons born in Bootle, Lancashire) Here are the details from the census; Name: Mcgowan, Daniel (should be McCowan) Age in 1891: 37 (unable to read age on the image) Relation: Head Gender: Male Where Born: SCT Name: Mcgowan, Emma Age in 1891: 33 Relation: Wife Gender: Female Where Born: WLS On the 1901 census Emma is a widow and place of birth is Holyhead, Anglesea Wales. If you could find me a place of birth/birth record/other relatives for Daniel McCowan in Scotland, or any other info on him, I would be most thankful. BTW Daniel was down as 'Sailor' 'Seas' Oldest son was born 1883, so I presume they were married 1882 but I don't know where. Thankyou Anne :o) ...Babz


Sandra Report 8 Mar 2005 05:24

Don't mean to swamp you - but if you are able to, I am desperate to find the maiden name of the mother of Agnes Watson (born 1832 at either Duns or Glasgow) Agnes was married to John Burns b 1829 (Perthshire). Agnes's mother was Mary (birth date 1807 from census records) and Ive narrowed it down to either Mary McDougall or Mary Clinkscales but one has the right birthdate for the mary and wrong one for Agnes and the other vice versa. I cannot find birth details for Agnes (which will have Mary's maiden name) or a marriage cert for Agnes and John which would give Agnes's father and I could narrow it down from there. Mary may have been married to an Alex but need that marriage cert to confirm. To make me more confused - on the birth certificates of Agnes's children she is down as Agnes Watson or Stewart - so unless she was married to a Stewart before John I have no idea where the Stewart bit came from. She had her first child William to John Burns in 1856 (when she was 24) so not much time for multiple marriages. A 1851 census may shed some light on it. Anyway. Sorry to ramble on - this one bit of the family has obsessed me for 2 weeks now with little movement. Its become a bit of a murder/mystery sort of thing trying to figure out who the mystery stewart was and where they went! Any help appreciated but if your swamped I'll just keep on investigating. Thanks Sandi


Saffron Report 7 Mar 2005 23:21

hi anne if you have any credits left could you look for any info, (esp for parents) 1901 james hugh anderson, electrician, fife sarah mcgill, fife james mcnaughton, plowman, fife catherine powers, fife many thanks leanne x


Unknown Report 7 Mar 2005 23:16

Brilliant anne - many thanks - thats my grt granda and grans brother :-)

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 7 Mar 2005 22:53

Thank you for your help Anne Alice

Anne from Scotland

Anne from Scotland Report 7 Mar 2005 22:51

Sheila hope this helps! Results Navigation | 2 records on 1 page(s) Criteria : Censuses : 1901; Surname: 'WILLIAMSON'; Use Soundex; Forename: 'GEORGE'; District: Carriden; Sex: Male No. Year Surname Forename Sex Age District County GROS Data Image Extract 1 1901 WILLIAMSON GEORGE M 51 CARRIDEN WEST LOTHIAN 663/02 003/000 003 2 1901 WILLIAMSON GEORGE M 32 CARRIDEN WEST LOTHIAN 663/02 004/000 047 Anne

Anne from Scotland

Anne from Scotland Report 7 Mar 2005 22:41

Alice hope this is of help to you. Criteria : Surname: 'ALLISON'; Forename: 'JAMES'; City: Glasgow City; District: Anderston; Sex: Male; Year From: 1855; Year To: 1856 No. Year Surname Forename Parent Name Sex District County GROS Data Image Extract 1 1855 ALLISON JAMES M ANDERSTON LANARK 644/08 0135 2 1855 ALLISON JAMES BLACK M ANDERSTON LANARK 644/08 1229 Anne


CATHKIN Report 7 Mar 2005 22:29

If you still have some credits could you find either or both the following please 1.BIRTH OF ALEXANDER DOIG ABOUT 1860-2 ABERLEMNO,FORFAR 2.DEATH OF HIS FATHER ?NAME WIFE OF MARGARET BEFORE 1881 CENSUS. Thanks ,Ros


Unknown Report 7 Mar 2005 22:23

1901 census - george and alison williamson, carriden bo'ness - and any family with them please mwah

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 7 Mar 2005 22:22

hello Anne thank you for your kind offer I have been trying for the past 24hrs to get onto this site - it won't send me a password! i have now contacted them but I am just wanting to find the birth of James allison in feb 1855 to James and Agnes in Anderston, Glascow, Lanark . This is a long standing brick wall! If it is him his father will be a brass finisher or something like that. Findinig it all so frustrating! Alice


Patricia Report 7 Mar 2005 21:51

Please. I am looking for the death of Jane Duncan about 1881 0r 1882. Have tried Jane and Jean. Her married name was Yule. Please can you just try J Yule or Duncan for me. Aged about 33 in Dundee. Thank you.

Anne from Scotland

Anne from Scotland Report 7 Mar 2005 21:47