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Jean Report 17 Mar 2005 21:42

I have one family here in 1871. Anyone know if this is a district or village of Sheffield and does it still exist, please. In hope, Jean


Montmorency Report 17 Mar 2005 21:52

Brightside Bierlow was one of the six townships (civil administrative districts) which made up the parish (later borough, then city) of Sheffield. Basically, it was all of Sheffield north of the river Don


Bluesavannah Report 17 Mar 2005 21:52

Hi Jean, It is a district of Sheffield and still is, i dont know about the whole Brightside Bierlow thing but Brightside in itself is still in Sheffield. Regards, Claire


Jean Report 17 Mar 2005 22:01

Thankyou both, they lived in Midland Street. I had looked at the Sheffield map but couldn't see Brightside around there. Perhaps I should have another look. Is it by any chance near the railway? Some of the family seem to be in that sort of job. Will keep looking, Thanks


Bluesavannah Report 17 Mar 2005 22:04

The train station in Sheffield now is the Midland Station so i guess that Midland Street will be nearby if it still exists. It is just outside of Brightside as the district it is now but i guess that it would have been part of Brightside Bierlow as it was. Regards, Claire


Jean Report 17 Mar 2005 22:18

Just had another look at the map and found Brightside. Easier to find whenyou know which side of Sheffield to look. Thanks Claire


Montmorency Report 17 Mar 2005 22:39

the district called Brightside Bierlow took its name from what was once a small hamlet called Brightside, in the north-east corner. In the 19th century this became part of the mess of steelworks etc that filled the whole valley from Sheffield to Rotherham and beyond. The Midland Railway had a small station thereabouts called Brightside, closed in the 1990s, and a large depot called Grimesthorpe, closed earlier. Seems like the likeliest place to find a Midland Street, but there isn't one there now.


Jean Report 18 Mar 2005 12:32

Thanks Robin, very helpful info. My family scattered everywhere but none where I currently live. Could do with the BBC helping out!!!!!!!! Jean


mab Report 18 Mar 2005 16:58

Hi Jean There is a Midland Street on my rather old A-Z of Sheffield. It is near Sheff United football ground, i.e. fairly near the town centre and a bit south-west of Midland station. I thought the Brightside Bierlow census area was more to the north though Marian


Deb Report 18 Mar 2005 17:40

Jean Does it give you an exact address for them in sheffield, if so i could always take piccies for you if it's still there. My Hubby works aroud that area so when he comes in from work at 10 o'clock i'll ask him . Deb X


Jean Report 19 Mar 2005 12:24

Marian, thanks for that info. According to the current map Brightside (without the Bierlow) is north of the city so perhaps not the same one. Deb, thats very kind of you you. Not sure now wether it is still there or not but the address is 3, Midland St, Brightside Bierlow. Now can't find the census page so can't check on the ecclesiatical or municipal borough, will look again later. You are all very kind and helpful, thanks, Jean


Jean Report 19 Mar 2005 12:32

Just checked the page again, not very helpful. The only names written are Brightside (village) and Sheffield. No other classifications. Probably no longer there but the road preceeding Midland St is Bridge St if that is any help? Jean


Helen Report 19 Mar 2005 13:41

Jean Bridge Street is still there in Sheffield. It runs across the top of Wicker and on towards the railway station in the town centre. I'm sure this must be the area your rellies were living. Of course Bridge Street is a popular name and there may have been another one...........