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amazed or what children named Queen Victoria!!!!!!

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Jane Report 22 Mar 2005 13:09

Louise - Yes! That's the one - at 16 Acacia Gardens ... with the 97 year old wife and 40 year old son, 52-year old Robert must have been going some! I had to laugh all over again at the wild birthplaces - wonder how many people researching PALMER were fooled for a while. Brenda - A good point, clearly a post-partition late entry! Probably made by a bored transcriber who didn't actually realise that the truth is often weirder than fiction ... international playboy, in 1881, honestly ... no doubt there were some, but it was all kept under wraps in those days! Thank you both for making my day (at least) much brighter. Kind regards Jane


moggyrud Report 22 Mar 2005 12:41

My mother was christened Queenie....and gave it to me as a middle name....hough l never use it. lol......a policeman once asked me what the Q stood l told him to mind his own business!! Maureen

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 22 Mar 2005 12:31

hi Irene it seems Queenie is a name its American in origin and means female or companion


Louise2212 Report 22 Mar 2005 11:40

jane could this be the one Source information: RG11/0020 Folio: 126 Page: 48 Robert Goodman abt 1829 - international playboy


Wendy Report 22 Mar 2005 10:16

My g grandmother was called Queenie all her life, but was actually christened Alice. Wendy x


Peter Report 22 Mar 2005 10:15

Queen or Queenie was a nick name Meaning Wife or Woman mainly in the London area (but not exclusivly) But this might intrest you. Quanna = Quanah comes from Comanche meaning Fragrant. A populer name in the 19th Cent. (Pos) becuse of a revivale in the intrests of Pocahontas (Her Grave is at Graesend) or becuse of Buffalo Bills Wild west show


Anne Report 22 Mar 2005 10:14

My aunt was called Queenie and it was her real name - from cert. She was born in 1916 and was Jewish - I always thought it was a Jewish-type name cos of her, but it would seem not. Anne


Phoenix Report 22 Mar 2005 08:54

The spoof you are talking about, Jane, was added to the original book before it was microfilmed, presumably in the 1960s. Credulity was strained to breaking point as one individual was given the birth place of Pakistan, which didn't exist in 1881!


Judith Report 22 Mar 2005 08:46

I suppose it was not a lot different calling your child after the royal family than the modern trend to call them after pop stars, actors etc. I transcribe for Freebmd and have found one girl with the forenames Christmas Rose and another called Christmas Day ! Judith


Tammy Report 22 Mar 2005 08:38

According to Ancestry uk there are 236 birth registers with the name Queen in them!!!! I assume they are all female!! I hope that helps! Regards Tammy


Kim Report 22 Mar 2005 08:32

Apparently according to Grandma, children were often called 'Queenie' when they acted like one as a child , a bit like us calling a child 'Princess' I suppose and the nicknames stuck. She has lots of Alices in her family , one was called Hilda her middle name , one was called 'Mickey' though she can't remember why. One was called Jeanie and one called Queenie! Not much help to you if you don't know their real name! Kim

♫ Penny €

♫ Penny € Report 22 Mar 2005 07:55

Hi I have a Queenie in my tree - can't find her anywhere so who knows what her real name was!!


Tammy Report 22 Mar 2005 07:20

I have an ancestor called Queen Elizabeth - Not Queenie just Queen!!! Her first name was Queen and her middle name was Elizabeth. Is it because they didn't have much imagination or maybe that was the IN thing to do???? Regards Tammy


Jane Report 22 Mar 2005 07:06

Valerie, Well, funny things happened, didn't they?! Quite a while ago, someone posted a note about the 1881 Census in London - where the household included an 'international playboy'. Sadly, I didn't keep the thread but the whole thing sounded like a 'spoof' - everyone in the house had outrageous professions. This was obviously someone transcribing for the LDS just having a laugh - perhaps if anyone has encountered that record, they'd post details again. Meanwhile, yours may well be genuine - naming traditions followed trends and perhaps the folk you saw just took it to extremes. Kind regards Jane

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 22 Mar 2005 00:37

just playing around on ancestry, I know a relative lived in the royal Household he was a Cobbler and made Queen Victorias shoes his wife put the beads on them so put Queen Victoria in the box for fun and up came a list of names which I assumed were pubs but no they were actually the names of Children Queen Victoria then another name ,poor kids being called that