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Any Tips for South African Searches
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Trish | Report | 27 Mar 2005 00:59 |
Hi Lindy Thank you I have sent you an email with the details. I forgot to say I do not know the name of his wife or if he married in England before he went to South Africa. I have only just found the record for his birth and will now go online and order his birth certificate. Just to recap: Augustus Spicer Barrett born Woolwich 1891 son of Arthur John Cowley Barrett and Catherine Spicer. Trish |
Lindy | Report | 26 Mar 2005 20:48 |
Hi Nichola, I thought the names looked familiar! There are a number of EDWARD POWELL'S in the archives. The only suggestion I can make is to check all the EDWARD POWELL'S but that can be expensive if they are not in the same depot. Happy Hunting Lindy;-)) |
N | Report | 26 Mar 2005 17:51 |
Hi Lindy soz only just come back in. they called him ted, thats all, im sure you looked for me when i first joined g/c, i think about 2 yrs ago, LOL. my nan says he had 2 sons, one defo named frederick and one named alfred or edward, which shes not 100% on. His wife was dutch , i assumed he met her over there when he was in the army, as he came back to england, say 1920s, thats a guess, then said right im off to marry me a dutch wife, LOL. soz, its now not much at all. :-) thanks for asking cheers |
Lindy | Report | 26 Mar 2005 16:25 |
Nichola, Does Edward have any other name.? Lindy;-) |
Lindy | Report | 26 Mar 2005 16:18 |
Bill, I can put you in touch with a reputable genealogist who does research for me in the Cape Town Archives. His prices are reasonable and as far as I know he accepts U.S. Dollars, G.B. Pounds and Rands. He might be able to get a copy of a birth certificate for you provided you have all the relevant information, which would include the full date of birth. If you are interested give me a shout. Lindy;-))) |
Bill | Report | 26 Mar 2005 13:10 |
Lindy, I've been trying to get a birth certificate for my mother, born of Australian parents who spent a couple of years in Cape Town. I know the parent names, child's name, general location (Wynberg) and the year. I've tried contacting the South African Embassy in Australia but always get told someone will call me back... but they never do. Is there any other way of orderng a certificate, and will I need more information to give them? Cheers, Bill Sydne, Australia |
N | Report | 26 Mar 2005 12:02 |
Hi Trish I'm with you on this one myself, ive done all the links to other sites etc, and i cant find mine either, after a year and a half ive given up, LOL. so while your searching, if you come across an Edward Powell who died in 1956-1959, wife is martha, had 2 sons, then scream my name. LOL wishing you good luck :-) |
Lindy | Report | 26 Mar 2005 11:52 |
Hi Trish, Getting a death certificate from South Africa is a catch 22 as the information you require is what you have to supply. There is something called a death notice which is more complete then a death certificate and in most cases will give you the names of his parents, spouse and children. This depends on what information the family member completing the form has. Someone has to physically go to the archives in Cape Town to get a copy of the death notice. I had a quick look in the South African Archives and could not find anything for AUGUSTUS SPICES BARRETT but that does not mean he is not there. Is Spices Barrett a double barrelled surname? Did he have any other name besides Augustus? There are over a 1000 Barretts in the archives and in order to narrow it down more information is required. Was he married? If so do you know the name of his wife? Please email me any other information that you have and I will have another look for you. I know my way around the archives and it is easy to navigate once you know how. However, if you wish to look for yourself the email addy is: www(.)national/(.)archives(.)gov(.)za/ (remove brackets) Happy Hunting, Lindy;-)) |
Trish | Report | 26 Mar 2005 11:02 |
Thank you Bill - I already tried that one and my email to them was returned undelivered. I was trying to add my research names to the website. Thanks Lou - I will try to find that thread. I appreciate all the help. Trish |
Unknown | Report | 26 Mar 2005 10:45 |
If you find Peter Walker's original CONTACT ME FOR thread on this board (I think it says Contact me please delete your nudges!), there's a lady on there called Lindy who can help with South Africa if you email her Lou |
Bill | Report | 26 Mar 2005 10:43 |
Try... http://home(.)global(.)co(.)za/~mercon/index(.)htm Good luck! Cheers, Bill Sydney, Australia |
Trish | Report | 26 Mar 2005 09:40 |
Thanks to Nell and Christopher for your replies. Christopher - I found that website listed on genes and each time I try it I get page not found for some reason. Thanks for your help. Trish |
Unknown | Report | 26 Mar 2005 08:49 |
Trish I can only suggest that you try Cyndi's List or ask the South African embassy. nell |
Trish | Report | 26 Mar 2005 08:38 |
Hi All, Has anyone had any sucess in obtaining a certificate for a relative in South Africa? I have read all the threads with web addresses for research in SA on Genes but have still not been able to find any information on how to find the death of a family member. I am looking for the death of Augustus Spicer Barrett born 1891 Woolwich who went to SA in the early 1950's. If anyone can offer any advice on where I should look to find records on deaths in Cape Town or how to find information on how to order a death certificate can you please let me know. Thank you, Trish |