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do you add them to your tree

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Kate Report 26 Mar 2005 17:00

if your maternal great grandmother marries again do you add her new husband and his family to your tree?

Christine in Yorkshire

Christine in Yorkshire Report 26 Mar 2005 17:04

Hi Kathleen Yes if you want a full list of rellies. They're still connected via gg grandmother. Gives you even more to research!! Happy hunting Christine


Sandra Report 26 Mar 2005 17:39

i always do but it depends on how indepth you want to follow your tree, it always gives you something to do if you hit a brick wall sandra


CATHKIN Report 26 Mar 2005 17:58



Sprack Report 26 Mar 2005 18:14

I added my great grandmothers second husbands family because they went on to have two more children who were half siblings to my grandad and his children from his previous marriage were half siblings to grandads half siblings if you see what I mean lol. jenny


BrianW Report 26 Mar 2005 18:56

The more you add, the better chance of someone who is researching a family off your direct line making a connection and supplying data which helps your main avenue of research. It's paid off for me several times.


Louise Report 26 Mar 2005 20:16

I might be turning into a bit of an anorak but I keep one tree for direct ancestors and another where I add all conncetions that I come across. It's definitely helpful to keep records of all links as I have several examples of kissing cousins in my tree and other times when brickwall ancestors reappear lodging with distant rellies. Of course, it's up to you! The great thing about doing this as a hobby is that you can please yourself about who you research and who goes on your tree. Louise

Carrie in Godalming

Carrie in Godalming Report 26 Mar 2005 20:19

I add everyone and anyone with a link to the tree, no matter how thin. I find that if i get stuck on a close rellie i give up for a few weeks have a good mooch at the not so closely related people and then come back fresh as a daisy for the aunts and uncles etc. that way im kind of giving my self a break but still getting the 'practice in' and am not to miffed if i cant find much, all the best corrina


JG70 Report 26 Mar 2005 20:27

I add inlaws I come accross as it helps to identify families if someone contacts you. It's especially helpful in the 19th century as a few of relatives of mine married their cousin's cousin (if you can follow that- not incest as related through marriage!)! I'll also follow an inlaw tree back if they have the same surname of a relative I already have - quite often you are related to the inlaw too! Jacquie

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 26 Mar 2005 20:32

One of the surnames I am researching is rare so I collect information on all of the ones I find. Months or years later I find links with mine. They are a really interesting group anyway. I'd collect anyone who seemed even remotely related because they might have an interesting occupation or live somewhere unusual. I like doing the background stuff to find out as much as I can about where and when people lived when I hit a brickwall. What I have found handy is the fanshaped record sheet you can get on this site for actual predecessors. I've had to enlarge it to A3 and add a couple of extra rings but it's been useful to instantly see where I have big holes in the tree.


JG70 Report 26 Mar 2005 20:41

That's a good idea Susan. I am after two rare surnames and I keep tracing unrelated trees back on the census and IGI some end up linking up later!! Any one researching Hadnutt or Lant let me know! Thanks Jacquie


Kate Report 26 Mar 2005 21:47

thanks for all the replies kate


Deborah Report 26 Mar 2005 21:56

Hi Kathleen, Depends how 'manic' you are! lol I add *everybody* to my tree!! Debbie


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 27 Mar 2005 00:40

Like Louise, I have two trees. One I use for only the closest ancestors, but the other one I use for anyone who has the slightest connection! I tend to work on the second tree when I hit a brick wall on the first one! Keeps me out of mischief anyway, and lets my hubby watch 'his' telly. Maggy