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A long shot. A very long shot.
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David | Report | 30 Mar 2005 11:17 |
I have a wedding photo of a 1935 wedding, with some of the people identified. 1st is 'believed to be a publican from the East Coast who married Ruby Berry's Sister.' 2. Ruby Berry's sister. 3. Ruby Turnbull, née Ruby Berry. 4. Archibald Turnbull, married Ruby Berry. Question who was the publican from the East Coast? What was the name of Ruby Berry's sister? The Wedding was a joint Wedding between Alfred James Plested and May Berry. and the brides father Henry (Harry) Berry and the bridegrooms mother, Louisa Plested. The groom's brother George and the brides sister Doris were married and in the photo. What was the relationship of May and Doris Berry and Ruby Berry and her sister. I'm trying to work out the relationships of these people. It reminds me of the old Homer and Jethro song, 'I'm my own grandpa.' David |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 30 Mar 2005 11:23 |
1. When was Ruby born? 2. What was her mother's surname? 3. Where were they born? 4. Do you know if Ruby's sister was married, or just 'engaged' at the time of the photo? |
David | Report | 30 Mar 2005 12:28 |
Sorry The only info is what I have given. When I received the photo from a family member a couple of months ago, I only knew the names of the bride and groom and one other. Through GR I met the grandson of the groom's mother, and he supplied more of the names. I now have the names of about 14 of 20. I said it was a very long shot. david |
The Bag | Report | 30 Mar 2005 12:35 |
How much older, or younger than Ruby does her sister look? Any idea where the photo was taken? Could May and Doris be Mother and aunt of Ruby and her sister jess |
David | Report | 30 Mar 2005 16:06 |
Thanks for your replies I now have the following additiona info. 'Sorry cannot recall ever having heard the East Coast publicans names. I can remember hearing adults talking once when it was mentioned that the girls had eyes that did not exactly match colourwise. The opinion was that this might indicate that the father had contracted a venereal desease that caused his daughters to be barren. (Doris in particular had significantly mismatched coloured eyes). I heard all sorts of odd conversations on Friday nights!' So I assume they were all sisters May Berry married Alfred James Plested, b about 1907 Louisa Plested, née Mortimer (Adopted name Webber) known as Rose or Rosey mother of Alfred and George married Henry Berry May's father in a joint ceremony in Rochford. Doris Berry married George Plested, Alfred's Brother We therefor ehave the sisters as Ruby, Doris, May, and the sister who married the publican. David |
David | Report | 30 Mar 2005 17:25 |
Additional Infformation Father of Berry sisters was Horace. Possibly Horace Frank, born 1878 at Hackney. Girls were (probably) Doris Alice 1905 Rubly Olive 1907 May Rhoda 1909 All born at Hackney and XX who married a publicaan from the East Coast Unfortunately there were a large no of girls born in Hackney around that time. Correction. The wedding was at Rochford. NB The GRO index for the plested sside of the joint marriage is mis-dated 1936 insstead of 1935. David |
David | Report | 31 Mar 2005 01:15 |
May Born 1909 Ruby born 1907 |
Trudy | Report | 31 Mar 2005 10:53 |
David, if you download PAF from the LDS site and then enter all the info you have re relationships etc. it has a relationship calculator that will tell you how they are related. As for Ruby Berry's sister, if you are pretty sure of the area they were married in you could try searching a few years either side on 1837 for a marriage. Trudy |
Trudy | Report | 31 Mar 2005 10:54 |
Just reading your message again - is it worth getting the certs for both of the joint weddings - you never know you might strike lucky and Ruby Berry's sister could be one of the witnesses!! |
KathleenBell | Report | 31 Mar 2005 11:22 |
Have checked 1837online and BOTH marriages are indexed as Sept. qtr. 1935 and NOT indexed in 1936 by mistake. The Berry that married Louisa Plested was Horace and not Henry or Harry as you stated in your post. Sept. qtr 1935, Rochford, 4a, 2403, marriage of May R. Berry to Alfred J. Plested. Sept. qtr 1935, Rochford, 4a, 2404, marriage of Horace Berry to Louisa Plested. Kath. x |
David | Report | 31 Mar 2005 11:30 |
Thanks Kath I did find that Henry, or Harry was actually Horace. He was known as henry or Harry I believe. I think I would change my name if I was called Horace. I appologize to all the Horaces out there. The Gro sheets are indexe correctly on 1837 online, but the PLE side is printed 1836 at the top. regards David |
David | Report | 31 Mar 2005 11:34 |
Doris Alice was not one of the sisters as she died aged 2. 'Ruby's sister' looks the youngest and was probably engaed at the time. Regarding the publican, ther is a possible connection to Southend or leigh on Sea, as at least one of the sisters, may, visited there quite regularly. All four sisters were childless. david |
KathleenBell | Report | 31 Mar 2005 11:36 |
Why is your post not going back to the top of page one when a reply is added?? Kath. x |
KathleenBell | Report | 31 Mar 2005 11:43 |
There is an Ada Berry, born Hackney, March qtr. 1911, vol. 1b, page 411. Might be worth checking, as parents seem to have had two years between the other daughters, so 1911 could be a possibility. Kath. x |
David | Report | 31 Mar 2005 14:25 |
Kath I don't think any of them are since the update? But the back button now works. david |