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So Frustrating that potential rellies dont reply

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Ann-Marie Report 2 Apr 2005 17:24

I recently found someone with the same name as someone in my tree, i sent a message and found out the surname of this person, i know he has got to be related cos i looked up a few names he should have the same as me and they were, however I've noticed some people don't reply 2 messages, is there another way 2 contact these people. Usually I get replies from people who turn out not to be related, the ones that are more likely to be related don't reply, this is so frustrating.


Sandra Report 2 Apr 2005 18:31

sometimes even if you do eventually get a reply its just to say there are not interested in 2nd cousins!! well me I hope I have never missed replying and I have made some really good friends even if we are not related. Like you I cannot understand why people put their names on here if they dont want contact but the 'not interested in 2nd cousins' said it was just cos he was bored he should be with a large hole borer oops sorry must remain a lady sandie


Pumphrey Report 3 Apr 2005 09:40

I also contacted someone about 3 or 4 weeks ago who has an entire family related to my husband (quite an unusual name). I was really excited but she hasn't bothered to reply. I can't believe these people. If I get a contact I always reply (I hope) and even when not related I try to give some sort of help if I can. Pam


Nikki Report 3 Apr 2005 09:51

Just a thought... Maybe you can register on the site for free and add your family but if you don't subscribe then perhaps we can see their details but they can't message us back?


Pumphrey Report 3 Apr 2005 09:56

You might be right. Messaging seems to be about the only thing that non-members can't do! I'm pretty sure they can look at just about everything else. Willask my auntie as she was a non-member for a long time and has just recently paid her subscription. Pam

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 3 Apr 2005 10:19

Non members cannot send messages via this site. It may be a good idea to put your E-mail address in the message you send them. Another thing is although you have discussed delays re holidays etc. sometimes computers crash and this can take time to repair or replace. So resend the message after about 6 weeks to 2 months. It's always worth another try. I do agree the whole point of this site is to try to connect my second cousins are my family so just as welcome to me. Pat


June Report 3 Apr 2005 10:36

I agree it is annoying when people dont acknowledge your request. I have had the other side too, where I have send them information that I have and have asked them politely to share any information they have. I have only had one person do this, the others have taken my information, then not even bothered to say thanks, never mind share any information. June xx


MarionfromScotland Report 3 Apr 2005 10:54

Yes a waste of time adding names in the first place,getting us lot exited at at what maybe a connection,only to not even reply. Marion


Heather Report 3 Apr 2005 11:03

Hi all, So far I've always had a reply, but since the recent upgrade no one has answered me. Might there be a fault? Cheers Heather


Linen Report 3 Apr 2005 11:27

Aren't you lot lucky to find family to connect to. I think I must be the only one in my family who is interested in where I came from. Apart that is from my children & the son of a first cousin with whom I have always had contact. I'm so envious of you all but I live in hope, maybe the next batch of newbies will bring a contact Best of Luck All Vivienne


Linen Report 3 Apr 2005 12:15

You have a point Marly Sometime ago I had this problem but I could retrieve them from the trash & I had to educate my spam filters but [touch wood]I haven't had a problem for ages. Vivienne

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy Report 3 Apr 2005 12:17

It is equally frustrating when you find a name, send a message to get a reply saying why have you messaged me when i am not interested in anybody with that name. So you go back and check(am i going mad) but you were right !!!!!!!!!. Why???? Wendy.


Hilary Report 3 Apr 2005 12:29

Ann-Marie, non-members can reply to any message you send like e-mails responding to a common name but cannot write a message on a board or view your trees if you allow them permission. best wishes Hilary


Ann-Marie Report 3 Apr 2005 17:11

Thanks 4 the advice Pat, I'll send message wiv email addy to the people who haven't replied, I forgot non-members couldnt reply.