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Advice needed please.....Ancestry
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Diane-Lee | Report | 4 Apr 2005 21:09 |
Puzzle solved!! Thanks for clearing that up Lee & Diane |
Unknown | Report | 4 Apr 2005 21:07 |
So Ancestry Plus is the same as Infrotrac! I've heard it mentioned but as I said have never used it. Always wondered what the difference was! |
Gary | Report | 4 Apr 2005 20:51 |
Ancestry Plus/infotrack are the same as the difference is Ancestry plus is part of ther Gale thompson group that supply librarys and universitys with resources it costs thousands to join, but they give away demos to genuine users, but people steal the pass words and post them on here and gain what the rest of us pay for free, but they are stealing the same has copying dvds or music, i do hope they are caught, some people were fined £4000 recently for similer things |
Diane-Lee | Report | 4 Apr 2005 18:56 |
We are going to do the free trial first...... We have been trying to decide for a while but finally have made a decision to go for it! Thanks everyone for your input & opinions Regards Lee & diane |
Unknown | Report | 4 Apr 2005 18:51 |
Stella Do what I do and leave bits of paper lying aorund with dates on and surnames from his family. Amazing how they don't begrudge you the use of the pooter if they think its their tree you're slaving away over! Lou |
Stella | Report | 4 Apr 2005 18:43 |
Thanks everyone. Will definately join, just didn't know whether could save myself a few pence! Might be able to do some look ups for other people instead of them doing them for me aswell. Will do the two weeks trial first. Hope hubby doesn't want to use the computer for the next month. Stella |
KathleenBell | Report | 4 Apr 2005 18:05 |
Stella, I renewed my subscription for Ancestry uk in February and it only cost £58 plus pence. This was cheaper than last year and that included v.a.t. Kath. x |
Unknown | Report | 4 Apr 2005 18:04 |
Hi, The best thing in my opinion is to go for pay per view for about £7. Then you can see whether the info is of use to you. |
Diane-Lee | Report | 4 Apr 2005 17:50 |
Hello all! Just doing a spot of ironing.........Well size of a slag heap really !LOL Ok thanks for the input it has clarified for me that it is the uk one I need! Regards Diane |
Stella | Report | 4 Apr 2005 17:29 |
Sorry for sort of butting in but my question is about joining Ancestry. I myself was looking at joining ancestry UK but also looked at the USA site aswell. The annual fee for joining from the UK is roughly £70 but the annual fee for the 'UK package' from the USA website is $100. If my maths is correct that is about £53 using todays exchange rates. Can anyone advise me - and others - whether you get the same info for your money and therefore would you be saving yourself £17 by joining through the USA site and selecting the Uk package? I know it's not a great deal of money but it is two and a bit birth certificates! Are there any pitfalls by joining through the USA site? I am sure there are other hardup members like me for whom saving where we can helps us keep going. Thanks. Stella |
Diane-Lee | Report | 4 Apr 2005 16:49 |
Hi Lou Thanks I don`t want to 'waste' money on records I won`t use so may be would be better off joining Ancestry uk Regards Diane |
Unknown | Report | 4 Apr 2005 16:45 |
Hi Diane I've never used ancestry plus so can't comment!!! Ancestry will give you access to all the UK censi plus images, the additional databases such as the surname meanings, parish and probate records etc and the historical directories that are included on there. I think the US records cost extra so I never bothered cos, like you, I'd never use them Lou |
Diane-Lee | Report | 4 Apr 2005 16:39 |
Could some kind person please advise me regarding Ancestry ? Is this the same as Ancestry plus?Do I get the same records(U.K) and would I be able to view all images? As none of my relatives ever moved from the same village I don`t want U.S records as they will be of no use. Thanks & Regards Diane |