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Ted | Report | 6 Apr 2005 19:26 |
hIi all, need some help please. When I receive an email with an attachment which is a page from a particular census, for example - 1891 census it come through as a JPG FILE SIZE 778KB. when I try to print it, the picture is too big to get on one A4 sheet, it prints about one quarter of the sheet. How, or what do I do to reduce the census page size so that I can print it as one page. Hoping someone can give me sosme help. TED. |
Ted | Report | 6 Apr 2005 19:46 |
Steve, will try it now. thanks. |
Ted | Report | 6 Apr 2005 19:52 |
Steve. nope that didnt work. still printing only a quarter of the census page. TED. |
Guinevere | Report | 6 Apr 2005 19:54 |
Hi Ted, Try opening it in Paint shop pro if you have it. You can reduce it in size there, save it then print it. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Martin | Report | 6 Apr 2005 20:01 |
Download the free program IrfanView. I quite frequently send images of census pages to people. I ALWAYS check with them before sending the file. I usually first crop off the black edges then reduce the image size and then save again (make sure you use a different file name so you do not lose the original copy). I find that I can get the file size down to somewhere below 300K without any significant drop in quality. I have noticed when someone asks for help with a census that you often see several messages from people saying that they have sent the image direct obviously without checking first with the person whether they have already received a copy. I was suspicious that many of these people probably send the full size file. It must be a bit a problem for anyone on a dial-up connection to receive multiple copies of the same file all unnecessarily large. Some printers have an option to fit to page by the way. MB |
Researching: |
Sara | Report | 6 Apr 2005 20:08 |
If you have microsoft word or publisher (or something similar), you can insert it as a picture and make it any size you want. Sara |
maryjane-sue | Report | 6 Apr 2005 22:28 |
Like Martin, I crop away any black edging - and then reduce the size so width is max 1024 wotsits. |
Ted | Report | 7 Apr 2005 12:24 |
THANKS EVERYBODY for all your help. What I need is a prog like ADOBE or PAINT SHOP to do all the resizing etc, I didnt know that, normallly I usually save the attachments in MY DOCUMENTS FOLDER, then when I need to I dig em out and print em of normally, its only recently that the census sheets have been too big. Best of it is I used to have ADOBE 5 on my pc and uninstalled it because I didnt use it enough, now Im gonna have to reinstall it, unless anyone know of a better one? MAYBE A FREE DOWNLOAD? TED |
Ted | Report | 7 Apr 2005 13:51 |
Linda from Murton | Report | 7 Apr 2005 14:12 |
Dont know which OS you are using but I have Windows 98SE. If I click on Start - Programmes - Accessories - and then Paint. I can usually open an attachment in there. Try playing about a bit. Will go and try and find you a free download of photo imaging. Linda |
Trudy | Report | 7 Apr 2005 14:50 |
Hiya - can you double click on it and open it? If so, you have a windows picture programme and you should be able to use the controls at the top and resize it that way. Sorry to be a bit vague, but without sitting in the programme I'm useless at giving instructions. Trudy |
Ted | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:21 |
Ted | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:23 |
Steve, hi again. Yea I did what you suggested and it was the same, BUT I went on to WINDOWS IMAGING and rotated the sheet, then I went on to options, and PRINT TO PAGE and guess what! it worked. So thanks very much. TED. |
Ted | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:28 |
Hi al l, to everyone who helped me, thanks got lit sorted. Im computer illiterate 71 year old and need all the assistance I can get. ive only just got used WINDS 98 and the family bought me WINDS XP HOME 6 months ago, but ive not installed it yet. need to take the courage in both hands BUT what happens if it goes wrong. However thanks again for all your help. TED. |