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Having a Dense Moment.....!
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Unknown | Report | 10 Apr 2005 11:43 |
Hi Brenda I think you mentioned on a thread a few days ago about there was a plan to include the age at death in all the indexes sometime in the future which I thought was super duper but didn't know about the other additions they planned to make as well. That would certainly help although I don't think we should hold our breath that it will be happening anytime soon, a mammoth task ahead I would imagine! Lou |
Phoenix | Report | 10 Apr 2005 11:32 |
Lou The GRO are planning to re-index the registersand it has been suggested that they provide: Mother's maiden name on all birth indexes Spouse's surname on all marriage indexes Age at death on all death indexes Unfortunately, They will be working from the Southport records and All the firms who have tendered have Indian work forces but it has to make life a little easier in the future. |
Unknown | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:09 |
Debbie That's fine, always open to suggestions! Personally I think the indexes should state DOB, father's names, the exact date and where they got married to make our lives easier but that's not going to happen! Lou |
Debby | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:05 |
Sorry Lou Yes the page I have is 1837 - sorry for butting in - just ignore me! Debby |
Unknown | Report | 9 Apr 2005 12:03 |
Hi I know there used to be 8 on a page in the very early days of civil reg but thought it was 4 to a page these days unless someone is on there by mistake! I'm fairly sure its the same woman cos the marriage Tracy found fits with the names but I've ordered the cert anyway just to be sure! Lou |
Debby | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:46 |
Lou I agree with Linda - I've had 8 on one page - 4 totally different mens names. Debby |
LindainHerriotCountry | Report | 8 Apr 2005 19:56 |
I have come across several pages with six names on, so while four may be normal, it is not always the rule. I have just been looking at a page with five names on it, three men and two women. As the men can't have a maiden name, there has to be a missing woman. Linda |
Unknown | Report | 8 Apr 2005 19:02 |
Debby There's only supposed to be 4 to a page so I'm hoping it means its the same woman entered under 2 surnames given there's 5 on the page. I'll get the cert to be sure Lou |
Debby | Report | 8 Apr 2005 18:59 |
Lou Could it just mean the other chap matching one of the ladies hasn't been put on yet? It's just that I've come across this a few times and the records on Ancestry are incomplete? Debby |
Unknown | Report | 8 Apr 2005 14:01 |
Brenda I agree totally. Just a pity that they don't put WIDOWER after the men in the indexes to give us a clue! Lou |
Phoenix | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:59 |
In a book called a Comedy of Errors a New Zealander analysed a whole chunk of the GRO indexes before ever freebmd was thought of. He criticised the early indexers for making two or three entries where they were uncertain of the surname or occasionally entering the maiden name instead or as well as the married surname of widows. Personally, I think those indexers did us a huge favour. Most of us have no idea that our female ancestors have been married twice and disregard for years the correct marriage entry. |
Unknown | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:59 |
Ah well, incest, bigamy, illegitimacy, census's all the norm with my lot! |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:56 |
Think I'll let _you_ worry about George not dying lol |
Unknown | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:54 |
Thanks Tracy That's brilliant, ties up another loose end anyway! Will have a hunt for a death for George too Lou |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:45 |
I think so... Marriages Sep 1868 Broome George Augustus Kensington 1a 353 Elphick William Albert Kensington 1a 353 HALL Emily Elizabeth Kensington 1a 353 MOORE Susan Kensington 1a 353 in 1871? Emily Broome 24 Brompton Chelsea London G Broome 1 Brompton Chelsea London George Broome 25 Brompton Chelsea London Amelia Bruce 48 Hackney, Middlesex, England Chelsea London David Bruce 28 Hertfordshire, England Chelsea London Robert Bruce 48 Highbury, Middlesex, England Chelsea London Robert Bruce 30 Highbury, Middlesex, England Chelsea London Rose Jaffer 49 Hackney, Middlesex, England Sister-in-law Chelsea London Mary Walker 20 Not Stated Servant Chelsea London no sign of a death though... |
Unknown | Report | 8 Apr 2005 13:40 |
I've found a marriage on Ancestry Sept qtr 1880. I know that my ancestor married an Emily E ???? from the 1881 census but when I look at the entries, there are 5 on the page but 2 are Emily Elizabeth, surname Broome and surname Hall. Am I right in thinking that Emily E has probably been married before so the entry has been recorded in her maiden name and her previous married name and it's not two different women? Thanks Lou |