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miller in stourton
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Mad Alice | Report | 9 Apr 2005 18:41 |
Hello again Richard. I have been out most of the day too but I did have a little look to see if I could find out any more about the mill or about your John - but no luck online. i did look to see if I could find a will on the National archives site - you may find one at the records office if you are lucky. It may be worth you searching more extensively on the N. archives site as I narrowed the search right down with 'John Smith Miller Stourton'. Guess you will have to make a request for someone to look at parish records for you, or go yourself if that is possible. I would guess that the records office in Warwick may have records of the mill and its occupants as welll as the parish records. Maybe the mill was passed down from father to son in which case it may not be an impossible task! In the meantime good luck with your resaerch. Hope your John Smith doesn't prove as elusive as mine! Alice P.S I seem to have John Smith on the brain - not sure who I searched the wills for now - John or William! |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:48 |
alice, i am out for most of the day, would you let me no if you find anything. thats if your ok with doing that |
Mad Alice | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:48 |
Richard I have put two look up offers at the top of the Records office board. Don't know if BVRI one and two are the same or not. i notice Deborah is also doing Warwickshire 1851 census which may be useful.. Alice |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:43 |
thanks alice |
Mad Alice | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:42 |
Hiyi Richard, BVRI is British Vital Records Index - births marriages and deaths - lots of people on the site have acess and some are offering to do look ups. An online parish clerk will look in the parish register and e-mail you details. i have used these a couple of times, but you can't always find one for the register you want. I will find a BVRI Look up offer and bump it to the top of the records office board for you. Alice |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:27 |
what is a online parish clerk |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:24 |
there is lots on thwait mills in stouton leeds but not in stourton warwickshie |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:18 |
what is a BVRI |
Mad Alice | Report | 9 Apr 2005 10:10 |
You could ask for a BVRI look up but unfortunately the name Smith will not be uncommon - however it may help... You will probably have to look at the most likelyparish registers or ask if someone else will. If you google 'Online Parish Clerks' and the county you may be lucky.. I have 3 unconnected families of Smiths in my tree - good luck! Alice |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 09:53 |
how can i find out where he was baptised |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 09:47 |
thanks tom i have that info, i want to find out who eliza was and parents of william born 1801 |
Tc | Report | 9 Apr 2005 09:44 |
This is the family off 1861 census for Stourton SMITH Eliza Widow 58 Millers Widow 8 acres 1 Man Great Tew John 28 Wolford Mahala 19 Daughter Stourton Any good? Tom |
Robert | Report | 9 Apr 2005 09:35 |
would like to find some info, hopefully the parents or the mariage of william smith born about 1801 in great wolford warwickshire. he maried eliza dont no surname and he lived in stourton mill warwickshire. i found him on a census for stourton in 1851. i no of 2 children he had. where can i look on the web for info on william smith or the history of stourton mill |