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can anyone give me advice why would one child out

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Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:03

hi been looking for my davies family for ages now, some kind gentleman actually had the baptisisms of the children of one of my ancestors, arthur davies cannot be found in stoke-on-trent staffs, 5 out of 6 children were baptised, other than arthur not being there child (no need to think he wasn't) could anyone help on the reason why. kind regards jackie.


David Report 10 Apr 2005 21:09

Hi I've found one family where 2 out of about seven children were baptised at an independent chapel. The family were baptists, so wouldn't have agreed with children being baptised. Perhaps they had a pushy miinister at the time of the other two. The same happened in my family. I was not baptised, but my sister was. david


Phoenix Report 10 Apr 2005 21:10

What period are we talking here? If the baby was sickly, it might be privately baptised at home. Some vicars recorded this, or the subsequent ceremony to welcome the child to the church, others didn't. The family may have flirted with another religion or they may have taken a dislike to a particular incumbent. The church may have been closed for repairs at the time. The baptism may have been noted on a slip of paper which was lost and never reached the register. Or the child was not a member of this family!

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 10 Apr 2005 21:11

Jacqueline When was this? Have you seen the baptisms yourself? I recently found, on the IGI, the baptism of only one of six children. I did that batch number thingy, still only one child. I looked at the Parish Register and all six children are on there, duly baptised. But not on the IGI Does this help? Marjorie


Unknown Report 10 Apr 2005 21:12

Where did the information come from? I have a family with 5 brothers, 4 of whom I've managed to locate the baptisms for, the 5th remains a mystery. The other 4 were all baptised at different churches as the family moved house a lot. If the source for the information was IGI, it may be that the other child was batpised at a church that hasn't been filmed. Lou


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:16

hi all i was going on the same line he may not be theirs, he went onto be an adult as he was my greatdrandfather, i am looking at 1887 it seems strange 2 were baptised 1882 because i now know florence died i was baptised 1884 arthur was born abt 1887 1 baptised 1889 and the last one baptised 1892. they either didnt like arthur or he was not theirs can't prove it though. thanks for your replies. regards jackie.


Phoenix Report 10 Apr 2005 21:20

Jackie Do you mean that two are baptised on the same day (but not twins?) If that is the case, it suggests that the parents are not too fussed about having their children baptised. There may be a busy-body vicar who wasn't around when Arthur was born and didn't notice that he'd been missed out.


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:22

hi lou and marjorie yes i am looking at the baptisisms in front of me everyone of the children was baptised at wellington staffordshire. as a few people may remember they found me the family a long time ago and the have always except john henry lived in the wellington district of stoke-on-trent staffordshire area. regards jackie.


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:26

hi brenda i'm hoping that may be the case, yes john henry was born stoke stoke-on-trent staffs oct 1880 he wasnt baptised at first, florence born july 1882 (i never new about until the kind man sent me the info) was peobably ill and died she was on none of the censuses, john henry was baptised with flo, but they carried on and in between left arthur out, its a mystery to me. regards jackie.


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:32

hi all forgot to say you are all so good on here so please dont waste your money on 1837, been there done that already got 3 certs not mine. regards jackie.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Apr 2005 21:42

Jacqueline, If your g grandfather married in a C of E or Catholic church, he would probably have had to show his baptism/christening certificate. If he wasn't baptised as a child, and married in church, he would probaby have been baptised as an adult. Oh, and I am one of 4 children, the other 3 are christenend, I'm not! maggie


JG70 Report 10 Apr 2005 21:50

Probably baptised in a different Church - some of mine swapped between Church and Chapel. Jacquie


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 21:58

hi maggie and jacqueline. yes he married in church i think i should presume he was baptised and something happened in that year, i dont even presume he wasn't james and betsys, my father was on of six he was the only one baptised have his bible he was the first born male none of the siblings were done, just seems strange 1 out of 6 not baptised if he was the first or the last would not seem so strange, i think i am looking for a problem beacuse i cant find his birth anywhere. i thankyou all for your tips. kind regards jackie.


Irene Report 10 Apr 2005 22:07

So we go back 120 years, no phones, TV and not much money, to be christened will of course cost you money and when that was short food was more important. Not every church has Vicars every Sunday, some every other and some once a month, you can tell this from the christenings on fiche that I have read, you will get batches of christenings. When registration came in some must have thought that you didn't need to get the christened. From my g grand fathers siblings, I have found births for all but my g grandfather, that is still missing but I did find his Christening and some of his brothers, the others I never did find their christenings. Irene


Jacqueline Report 10 Apr 2005 22:16

hi irene this all makes me feel a bit better the davies are hard enough to find as it is. thanks all so much appreciated regards jackie.