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Second opinion please - Have I got the right peop

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Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 21:36

Helen, Thanks again for all your help. I have found the marriage of William Frost and Ellen Bradshaw on the familyhistoryonline site, they married in Chesterfield in 1862. At least now I have something to go on and am actually searching for the right people. Sam


Helen Report 12 Apr 2005 20:59

Glad to help. Looks like you'll just have to go down the maternal line with Richard. There is a marriage on FreeBMD of a William Frost Mar 1863 Sheffield 9c 459 but only one female has been transcribed so far and she's not an Ellen. Tried going for the 'view pages' option but they are REALLY big files for that quarter and taking ages to download. Looks like 1837 site will be best option.


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 20:38

In fact Helen, I think I love you!!! Looking at the marriage cert, one of the witnesses is Herbert Frost! Thank you! Sam


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 20:36

Helen Thats fantastic, I can at least start looking for possible marriages for his mother and a Bradshaw. Not knowing how close one place is to another is a bit of a drawback when you don't know the area, especially one the streets doin't exist any more and you can't search a modern map. Thanks very much Sam


Helen Report 12 Apr 2005 20:33

St Matthew's is on Carver Street which is now pretty much town centre in Sheffield, so assuming Button Lane was nearby. London Road (low numbers?) is not too far away. Found this family in 1881 and I'm wondering if it's the right one even though Richard has a different surname. Richard born right time, right area, shoemaker connection and Cumberland Street is near the bottom of London Road. Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability William FROST Head M Male 43 Chesterfield Shoemaker Ellen FROST Wife M Female 42 Chesterfield, Derby, England Richard FROST Son U Male 22 Chesterfield, Derby, England Coal Miner Herbert FROST Son Male 16 Rotherham, York, England Skate Maker (App) Emma FROST Daur Female 11 Chesterfield Scholar George FROST Son Male 10 Chesterfield Scholar Eliza FROST Daur Female 8 Chesterfield Scholar Fred FROST Son Male 7 Chesterfield Scholar Ellen FROST Daur Female 5 Chesterfield Scholar Catherine FROST Daur Female 2 Sheffield Source Information: Dwelling 11 Cumberland St Census Place Ecclesall Bierlow, York, England Family History Library Film 1342119 Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 4635 / 61 Page Number 1


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 20:33

That's a good thought Lou, I'll definately bear that in mind when searching for his birth. Sam


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2005 20:30

Sam Pure speculation BUT.... Richard was ????'s son from before she married Mr Bradshaw. Richard either took on his mother's husband's surname or assumed that he was his father. When he got married, the vicar knew the family and knew that ???? wasn't his father so wrote illegitimate on the certificate. My ggrandfather was illegitimate and although he took on his father's surname when his parents married when he was 2, there is no father mentioned on his marriage cert. The space is just blank. Lou


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 20:23

I haven't got Richards birth cert as I haven't got that far back yet. Thought the marriage cert would help confirm if the Richard I found in 1881/1871 was the right one. Doesn't look like it was! Have found Eliza in 1881 as a servant in London Road, Ecclesall Bierlow but can't find her in 1871. At least her father is named on marriage cert - although can't find him either (Richard Whitehouse, occupation Roller or Robber???!!) Will search a bit further, thanks for everyones help, at least it looks like the marriage cert I have is the right one even if it's not much help! Sam


Helen Report 12 Apr 2005 20:16

No Button Lane today but did a place search on 1901 site and Button Lane was Ecclesall, St Matthews Parish.


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2005 20:08

Sam Do you have Richard's birth certificate? Lou


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 20:06

Jess, The cert actually says illegitimate in the space for the fathers name. It's the first one I've come across and quite disappointing! Helen, The address on the marriage cert just says Button Lane and the church is St Matthews Sheffield. I'm nor familar with the area at all so have no idea where the church is or where Button Lane is/was in relation to any of the other addresses I have Sam


Helen Report 12 Apr 2005 20:05

Does his address on the marriage cert. in 1882 match up with any of the Richards on the 1881 Census? You could post addresses if you are not familiar with Sheffield. I live there and will do my best with my A-Z and local knowledge.

The Bag

The Bag Report 12 Apr 2005 19:54

When you say marriage cert has him as illegitimate, you mean it has no father named or it actually says that? ~jess~


Unknown Report 12 Apr 2005 19:52

Sam I have one who went from being a Puddler to a Gas Inspector but it's definitely the same guy cos the address on both certs is the same! Maybe he worked for someone who went out of business or died and he had to take whatever work he could! Lou


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 19:50

I have received the marriage certificate of my gt gt grandparents and the occupation has made me question whether it is the right one. Here is what I have: 1913 Gt Grandparents marriage cert. bride is Emily Bradshaw aged 22 and her father is Richard Bradshaw, General Labourer. Married in Norton Woodseats, Derbyshire (now classed as Yorkshire/Sheffield) 1901 Census – Emily Bradshaw aged 12 with mother Eliza and father Richard, 48, general labourer living in Norton Woodseats. Richard born Chesterfield, Derbys. 1900 Birth Cert of Emily’s brother, Redvers. Mother Eliza Whitehouse, father Richard Bradshaw, general labourer 1891 Census – Richard, 33, asphalter, Eliza 31, Emily 5m and other siblings living in Ecclesall, Sheffield. 1882 Marriage Cert – Richard Bradshaw, 24, SHOEMAKER??? And Eliza Whitehouse, 22. Married St Matthews, Sheffield. Everything else matches up, would it be likely to change his occupation so drastically? Also marriage cert has him as Illegitimate but the only Richard Bradshaw I can find 1881 and 1871 definitely lives with his father? Would value a second opinion please, have I got the right cert? Thanks Sam


Sam Report 12 Apr 2005 19:50

See below: