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Opinions, suggestions needed

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KathleenBell Report 16 Apr 2005 00:31

On the 1901 census there is a Margaret S. Bennett, who is described as niece, born Waterloo, Lancashire. That isn't too far from Salford. Could that be her maybe? Kath. x


Carol Report 16 Apr 2005 00:12

Kath I really have no idea. According to both gran's birth and marriage certs, it only says Charles Bennett!! Carol x


KathleenBell Report 16 Apr 2005 00:07

There is a marriage on Ancestry that has an Emma Wright and a Samuel Bennett on the same page in the June. qtr. of 1889, Stockport, 8a. page 2. Do you think that Charles could have been Samuel Charles by any chance? Kath. x


Carol Report 16 Apr 2005 00:04

Dora on the 1891 census was born in Barking and the one on the 1901 census was born in Crewe!! Can't be the same one Carol


KathleenBell Report 15 Apr 2005 23:59

There's a 15 year old Dora Wright, with an aunt and uncle on the 1901 census, that could be her. Kath. x


Carol Report 15 Apr 2005 23:57

Her date of birth is 06/08/1899 - The 18/08/1913 is the date the certified copy was obtained for the purposes of work. Sorry if I confused you!!! Carol


Carol Report 15 Apr 2005 23:55

Kath I think you are right about the names although Ancestry has them listed as Bennett!!. By the time 1901 came around William had become Bennett but Dora isn't with Charles and Emma.


KathleenBell Report 15 Apr 2005 23:52

Carol, You've just given Margaret's date of birth as 1913, but in your post you said 1899. I'm confused!! Kath. x


Carol Report 15 Apr 2005 23:49

Colette I am Margaret's grandaughter. I have her birth, marriage and death certs ( She died in 1976). The birth cert is dated 13/08/1913 The back of the cert doesn't give me any more info other than Maggie(something I never knew she was known me she was always Margaret Charles and Emma had other children, Elsie, Daisy Emma and George ( names provided by my Mum) To the best of my Mum's knowledge Charles did remarry but after Emma's death. Carol


KathleenBell Report 15 Apr 2005 23:49

Looking at the 1891 image, I would say that Dora and William's surname is something like Whight or Wright, so maybe Emma had been married before, or had the children before marriage. I also think Dora's age is only 5 and not 15. The enumerater seems to write his 7's with a long down stroke, and this makes Dora's age appear to be 15, but the mother is only 27. Kath. x


Phoenix Report 15 Apr 2005 23:40

Thinking slowly this evening. What date is your certificate? Does it have any extra info on the back? Mine have the names of the people requesting the certificates, plus their stabs at spelling the name. They gave lots of extra info.


Carol Report 15 Apr 2005 23:40

Hi Brenda Yes he is on the 1891 census as a 3 year old son, along with a daughter Dora aged 15, neither of these names mean anything to me though. Plus looking at the census page I am not convinced that Dora's name is Bennett, nor William's


Phoenix Report 15 Apr 2005 23:37

Also, assuming that the family does just have two children (one missing!), might Charles have been widowed and remarried a widow? Do any of the Charles you found marry an Emma circa 1899? Bennett/Wright are unfortunately not uncommon names.


Colette Report 15 Apr 2005 23:33

Sorry if this sounds stupid but are you descendant of Margaret what i mean is are you sure she never died as a child. Colette xxxxxx


Phoenix Report 15 Apr 2005 23:32

What about William? Is he with either set of Charles and Emma in 1891?


Carol Report 15 Apr 2005 23:20

Fact :-. from Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth (Issued for the puposes of the Factory and Workshop Act 1901). Margaret (a.k.a. Maggie) Bennett d.o.b. 06/08/1899 74 Birley Street, Pendleton, Salford Mother:- Emma Bennett (formerly Wright) Father -: Charles Bennett – Occupation – Dock Labourer Fact :- extract from the 1901 Census 21 Ewart Street Salford Charles Bennett – married - Boarder- age 36 Docker - Born Middlesex, London Emma Bennett – married - Boarder – age 35 – Born Middlesex, London William Bennett – age 14 – born Middlesex, London I can only assume that these are my Bennetts , but where is Margaret (Maggie)? The only ones I can find are ‘daughters’ but not of the above Bennetts!!! Also, having trawled through every BMD marriage from 1877 – 1901 The only marriage of Charles Bennett and Emma Wright I can find is in 1890 and was in Romford, Essex. My guess is that these are my Bennetts and they moved ‘up North’ when the Manchester Ship Canal was opened and work was plentiful. Trying to back track is another matter as I cannot trace the names back as a couple on the 1891 Census. The only Charles & Emma I can find on there were born in Hornchurch, Essex and Rainham, Essex respectively. As I seem to be going around in circles here, I would appreciate anyone’s help/advice/suggestions as I stumped as to what to do next!!