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Photograph albums - a question?

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Trudy Report 20 Apr 2005 13:22

Does anyone have any idea where I might be able to get a 'traditional' photo album from? I have just found a photo album belonging to my grandmother, one of the first 'self-adhesive' ones and I have had to spend painstaking hours carefully peeling all the photo's out of it to see if there is anything written on the back!! All the albums I can find for sale (with the exception of one in WH Smith - which isn't big enough!) are either 'pocket' ones that only take certain sizes, or new style 'self adhesive' ones, which I really don't want to use as I don't want someone else to have to go through the process I have just completed when they inherit them from me in the future (the difference will be that hopefully by then they will have some info written on the back!!!). Any help gratefully received. Thanks Trudy


Unknown Report 20 Apr 2005 13:27

hiya Found this site: http://www(.)harrisoncameras(.) Though if you google 'traditional photo albums and then look at 'uk sites' (if your in uk)! there are quite a few Vikki xx


Trudy Report 20 Apr 2005 13:33

Hi Vikki Yes there do appear to be a few if you 'google' but most of them are wholesalers and will only sell you approx. 100!!! and most are unhelpful re. local stockists!! Trudy


Jane Report 20 Apr 2005 13:37

I buy mine in Smiths


Unknown Report 20 Apr 2005 13:40

Hi WHSmith do traditional ones for £10.99 Im not sure how much you want to pay but if its for special photos then I think this is quite reasonable. Vikki xx


Trudy Report 20 Apr 2005 13:41

Hi Vikki and Jane - the Smiths ones are fine as far as they go, but I have pictures that are too big for the pages so need something more substantial. Thanks Trudy

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 20 Apr 2005 13:57

some shops that develop photos also sell photo albums some really nice ones

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 20 Apr 2005 13:59

these sell traditional albums (www)heritagephotoalbums.( remove brackets


Linda Report 20 Apr 2005 14:29

If you have one nearby, try TK Maxx - I have bought several there. John Lewis also stock them, but are far more expensive.


Trudy Report 20 Apr 2005 15:20

Valerie and Linda thanks very much - will have a look.


Minnehik Report 21 Apr 2005 05:35

Have you tried a really good stationery shop? I bought four albums which are 3' x 3'6' which have large pocket pages which will take a whole families photos on one page or BMD certificates etc. and are made from acid free material. I went to a genealogy forum given by library archivists in which we were warned NEVER to use the modern type photo albums where you lay the photo on the page and cover it with a plastic sheet. Ruins your photos as the paper is not acid free. They suggested we make our own using black cartridge paper or artists drawing books. You can purchase an inexpensive pencil that will, when you make a mark on the page, tell you whether the paper is acid free or not. Another tip - Don't write on the back of the photo with anyhting but an acid free pen - the ink will eventually soak through and pencil fades.


Trudy Report 21 Apr 2005 09:13

Hi Joan - can you remember which stationers it was - this sounds perfect to me. Trudy


Minnehik Report 21 Apr 2005 17:05

My stationers is in Canada but only in a small town but they should be available in the UK too. Cost me the equivalent of 25 pounds each and there are 3 sizes. Can't find a manufacturers name but will ask next time I got to town.