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Help - Can't find my Maslen

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Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:42

Thanks - I have tried that one and have no luck in British Columbia or Ontario - though the records for Ontario are awkward as they seem to have a gap between 1911 and 1920 which is exactly when their marriage would be!! How convenient is that? Thanks for your assistance so far - it's greatly appreciated! Kate


Helen Report 20 Apr 2005 21:35

Never done any Canadian research but just googling, this site seems to cover most of the free links http://www.atozmarriages(.)com/canada/


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:32

OK - I am not good on Canadian geography! I have no further info about where they were. Any suggestions on a good Canadian website? Kate


Crista Report 20 Apr 2005 21:31

Kate, There's a Vernon in British Columbia also. Crista


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:29

Apparently they were married in Vernon - I think this was in Ontario - they called all the houses they lived in after then 'Vernon'. I have checked as many websites as I can to find this marriage but no joy! Checked marriages worldwide on all the usual sites. Kate


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:22

Nope - can not find death at all! This is so frustrating! Kate


Helen Report 20 Apr 2005 21:22

Any idea what part of Canada they married in? If you want to search for the marriage you would need to know the Province.


Crista Report 20 Apr 2005 21:19

And you can't find any deaths for Jane Sarah or Jean Maud Wicks? Crista


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:14

No - he was an only child. She miscarried a baby before him we think! Kate


Crista Report 20 Apr 2005 21:09

Did your grandfather have nay other siblings? Could try ordering one of their birth certs? Crista


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 21:04

Yep - got that one too - but no Jean! If this was the right family - I could probably trace them ok - but I'm stuck on how to find a link with the Jean on this birth cert. Interesting that there are so few Jean's - I could only find 2 Jean Maslens and they did not fit at all! Kate


Crista Report 20 Apr 2005 21:02

Kate, Here's Rose in 1891: Name Age in 1891 Birthplace Relationship to head-of-house Civil parish County View Image Maslen, Annie 30 Clerkenwell, London Wife Woolwich London Maslen, Charlotte 3 Greenwich, Kent Daughter Woolwich London Maslen, Constance 7 Tooting, Surrey Daughter Woolwich London Maslen, Jane 2 Woolwich, Kent Daughter Woolwich London Maslen, John 8 Tooting, Surrey Son Woolwich London Maslen, Rosy 5 Tooting, Surrey Daughter Woolwich London Maslen, Thomas 28 Salisbury, Wiltshire Head Woolwich London Maslen, Thomas 9 Tooting, Surrey Son Woolwich London Crista


Helen Report 20 Apr 2005 20:59

Jean was quite an unusual name at that time, less than 3000 of them on the whole 1901 Census. Over 493,000 Janes!


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 20:59

Can't even find her death to apply for certificate! Or is there a way I do not know about? Yep - that was the family I was talking about - there are other census's with the other relevant children on. Example - they had a son called John in 1891 who I think I have found later married a Daisy so that might be the Daisy that my Grandad remembered - married in rather than an actual sibling.


Crista Report 20 Apr 2005 20:55

This must be the family you found: Name Age in 1901 Birthplace Relationship Civil Parish County/Island View Image Annie Maslen 42 Clerkenwell, London, England Wife Woolwich London Charlotte Maslen 13 Greenwich, London, England Daughter Woolwich London Harriet Maslen 9 Woolwich, London, England Daughter Woolwich London Jane Maslen 12 Woolwich, London, England Daughter Woolwich London Nellie Maslen 7 Woolwich, London, England Daughter Woolwich London Percy Maslen 4 Woolwich, London, England Son Woolwich London Sidney Maslen 2 Woolwich, London, England Son Woolwich London Thomas Maslen 39 Salesbury, Wiltshire, England Head Woolwich London This would be Daisy: Births Sep 1905 Maslen Lilian Daisy Woolwich 1d 1270 But the Jane looks to be Jane Sarah: Births Mar 1889 Maslen Jane Sarah Woolwich 1d 1240 Can you order her death cert to clear things up? Crista


Kathryn Report 20 Apr 2005 20:42

Hi there I am trying to find my great Grandmother - Jean Maud Maslen. She would have been born around about 1895 ish and her son thinks this was in Woolwich. I can not find her anywhere - on any site whatsoever. I have tried - Ancestry, this site, family relatives, 1837online, Free BMDs, Family History Online, LDS.... and the rest! My Grandad says she had brothers and sisters called Percy, Sidney, Hilda, Rose and Daisy. Ring any bells with anyone?? I found a Jane Maslen with brothers and siters that sort of matched but my Grandad's birth cert has her down as Jean Maud not Jane!! She married John Alexander Wicks in Canada but then came back to England and had my Grandad in 1919. Apparently she dies around 1963 in Southend hospital. Hope someone can help! Kate