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Hampshire Record Office help!

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 24 Apr 2005 08:27

Do have a good browse around Chloe. They have all manner of things there and I have copied bits for Berkshire there too,- only snippets but you never know..... Don't forget to take notes with you for any GRO index lookups, which you will be able to do for free. Enjoy your day.


McDitzy Report 23 Apr 2005 23:22

Thanks guys. I have rung. St Leonards is NOW considered Dorset but at the time that I was looking at it was Hampshire. Doesn't matter anymore, even though I know they muct have been there at some point (I'll go to DRO one day). As for HRO, I am going on Monday and yes they do have Ringwood parish records. My concern was cos Ringwood is close to Dorset (close to St Leonards) that it might not be, knowing my luck! It's all good though. Chloe


Janet Report 23 Apr 2005 17:19

Chloe If you have not found your parishes yet, I suggest you go to your nearest big library and ask for the Phillimores Index to Parishes and you can browse and find the parishes you are interested in. This is the main book for finding out where all the parishes are in England and Wales. It is expensive at £50 but you can usually look at this book in big reference libraries. Janet


McDitzy Report 23 Apr 2005 09:52

All done!!! No car park space though! Oh well!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 23 Apr 2005 08:07

When you phone, don't forget to book fiche reader and carpark space, (free but it's not very big.) Hampshire office have such great later closing time too, 7pm which is very useful and I have found it less busy later in the day. By the parish register fiche they have a map of the parishes so that if you can't find them in one parish, it's easy to see which are the adjoining parishes that it might be worth looking at. I've always found the staff very helpful and more than willing to guide first time visitors to make the best use of time.


AnninGlos Report 22 Apr 2005 22:00

why don't you e mail them and ask. They were very prompt replying when i e mailed them with a query, and very helpful They will tell you if they hold any records for wherever you want. ann glos


maggiewinchester Report 22 Apr 2005 20:26

Chole, You could always phone them and ask!! 01962 846154 They'll be very helpful. maggie ps I think it has always been in Hampshire


McDitzy Report 22 Apr 2005 19:59

Thanks Sarah. You see the other parish I mentioned that was in Hampshire but now is in Dorset was St Leonards. Thanks Brenda. Not seen it so will have a look. Chloe x


Phoenix Report 22 Apr 2005 19:55

If you haven't done so already, go to this site: Put in the surnames/places you are interested in and see what comes up.


McDitzy Report 22 Apr 2005 19:43

It's Ringwood. There's also Harbridge, but I've seen the register there. What else is worth looking at? Trying to make the best of my visit as I don't get time off very often. My ancestors start back in Hampshire from 1830 or so backwards. I've already used the 1851 index (found one ancestor). Most of my Hampshire people had moved up to London by then...... and these people also like to jump between Dorset and Hampshire.... annoying buggers!


Phoenix Report 22 Apr 2005 19:34

Hi Chloe Hampshire Records Office is a really lovely place to visit if you get the chance. I think that all the parish registers are on fiche on open access. They also have a brilliant wills index, also on microfiche. If you need to look at original documents, they are easy to order and have always arrived really quickly. Border parishes are always a trial, but the chances are that HRO will have something of interest on the parish. Enjoy!


McDitzy Report 22 Apr 2005 19:22

OOoo will try that one. Need to screw on my head a bit more firmly today. Thanks again.


Unknown Report 22 Apr 2005 19:20

Chloe Or you could google the parish name and 'parish records' and see if it tells you. nell


McDitzy Report 22 Apr 2005 19:18

Thanks Nell. I looked but couldn't find it. Grrrr they don't list the actual parishes.... see the parish I'm looking for is on the border of Hants and Dorset and since a place near to it was in the DRO when we went there expecting to have a look at the records.... that making any sense. Guess will phone tomorrow during their opening times.


Unknown Report 22 Apr 2005 19:13

You might find it helpful to read this: nell


McDitzy Report 22 Apr 2005 19:11

I was trying to find a list of the parishes that the HRO in Winchester holds records for. Trying to see if it is worth going (seeing as though my mum has ruined our plans on going to Essex Record Office on Monday).