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Ebay Are these lookups genuine?

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Jenny Report 26 Apr 2005 19:14

Hello, A big thankyou to everyone who tried so hard to help me with this query and to Jess who managed to crack it!! You are all really kind and I appreciate all the advise & time that you gave. I can't believe there are so many kind & helpful people out there in this day and age it is so refreshing. Thankyou all so much. Best wishes Jenny

The Bag

The Bag Report 26 Apr 2005 08:33

Found them! Found them ....on the other thread! Jess x

The Bag

The Bag Report 25 Apr 2005 22:54

I believe this was the marriage Bernards, Alfred 1870 June Marriages Holborn London Middlesex >>Bernárde, Alfred 1870 June Marriages Holborn London Middlesex HALL, Harriett 1870 June Marriages Holborn London Middlesex PEPE, Joseph 1870 June Marriages Holborn London Middlesex >>TOTT, Ellen Elizabeth 1870 June Marriages Holborn London Middlesex

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 25 Apr 2005 22:52

O.K. I guess his real name wasn't Alfred, could possibly have been Alfredo but not necessarily. (I know from bitter experience, my Elphege is called Alfred on the 1891) What was Ellen Elizabeth's maiden name? Could it be possible that they moved to Glasgow? There was (and still is) a huge Italian Ice cream making fraternity there.


Jenny Report 25 Apr 2005 22:41

Jess, If only it were that straight forward LOL,I bet you groaned when you saw it was them again!!! Best wishes Jenny

The Bag

The Bag Report 25 Apr 2005 22:40

I seriously wondered if they were making a trip to see the in-laws in Italy.. jess


Jenny Report 25 Apr 2005 22:27

Hello Kim,Jess,Sam,Kathleen & Janet thankyou all for your replies. I have tried the record board and remember Jess even posting out for help for me but my Bernardo's escaped the net. They married in 1870 in the Italian church of St Peter in Holborn.He (Alfred)was living at 4 Summer St,Backhill,Holborn she (Ellen Elizabeth)was living at 1 High St ,Kingsland(West Hackney) she would be 21-22yrs born Hackney, he would be 27-28 born Italy. I think both addresses have already been checked and nothing found. He was an Ice cream maker, then when next found on 1881 census a Hawker. Not found either of them on 61 or 71 census. Because of the Italian name we have found several spelling deviations on diff census Bernardo, Barnardo, Bernarde on marriage ref. If anyone can help I would be grateful but I don't expect miracles. Best wishes Jenny

The Bag

The Bag Report 25 Apr 2005 22:25

We try hard on the tips board too... Jess put it all up again and we'll hunt them out! if i remember this it the 1891 Bernardo, Alfred 62 Italy Head Islington London Bernardo, Alfred 14 Islington, London Son Islington London


Twinklestar Report 25 Apr 2005 22:20

hi jenny give us some info and i will take a look have you got them in 1881 ? let us know tracy x

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 25 Apr 2005 22:16

Jenny, I would have thought you would be better off asking someone on the records board. The people on E-bay are in it for the money so if they don't find it, hey, they'll be another punter along soon but you know how the genealogy bug gets you. If they can be found, it'll be someone on the records board who finds them.


Jenny Report 25 Apr 2005 22:16

Hi Jess, thats really kind of you but I think you tried really hard to help me with these people already .(Alfred & Ellen Elizabeth Bernardo)and I think they've been misstranscribed. They were being elusive. Have you had a bad experience with ebay lookup's Best wishes Jenny


KathleenBell Report 25 Apr 2005 22:16

There are 2 Bernardo's on the 1871 census on Ancestry. Who are you looking for? Kath. x


Sam Report 25 Apr 2005 22:15

Hi Jenny I wouldn't pay anybody for lookups when you can get them on here for free. They are probably only using Ancestry same as anybody else and will still have to find the same mistranscribed names as us. And won't it be illegal to charge for lookups? Most suppliers of census CDs etc say in the small print that you are not allowed to do this and I'm sure Ancestry wouldn't be very happy either. Sam

The Bag

The Bag Report 25 Apr 2005 22:13

Dont even go there! Post again here and we'll look again, They only have the same as us that use Ancestry- so if we can't they cant... Jess

~˜Kim in

~˜Kim in Report 25 Apr 2005 22:13

Hi jenny, the lookups offered on ebay usually dont charge unless they find who you are looking for, however if you ask some one on the records board to do a look up for you im sure someone will do it and save you money :o) kim


Jenny Report 25 Apr 2005 22:11

Hello can anyone tell me if they have used a company called jigsawknits they offer census lookups for 1.65 for 1871,81,91 & 01. They have a high rating score. I have not been sucessful in tracing my Bernardo family on 1871 census even though a few kind people looked for me as well. Wondered if it was worth giving these people a try? Any info much appreciated Best wishes Jenny