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Birth certificates
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Unknown | Report | 27 Apr 2005 19:34 |
Marriage cert only gives Fathers names and occupations, address at time of marriage and witnesses. Does Marlene have a middle name - I'll look on another site for you. All you need is the District, Vol and Page num and you can order online at the place I showed in the 1st post. PS. Dont assume it HAS to be 4Q1907 birth - SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN REGISTERED QUITE LATE - hence I show thru 1909 --------------------------------------------------------- Marlene Edwards births: 4Q1939 Regns - maiden Samuel - Pontypridd - maiden Jones - Owestry 3Q1939 - maiden Bourne - Caerleon 1Q1940 - None 2Q1940 - maiden Gilbert - Bridgewater 3Q1940 - None 4Q1940 - maiden Cole - Haverfordwest . Not having much luck are we ? UNLESS Lillian knows different about surnames. Shame, to get that BC wuld have been the key. The marriage cert will help a bit. |
Natalie | Report | 27 Apr 2005 19:28 |
Yeah I'd be interested to see if you're right about the illegitimacy!! My Grandma was born at the beginning of the war so it might be that they were moved out of the city? But then I have no idea where she was born. Can I get a certificate even if I dont know the exact place of birth? Would that be on Marlenes marriage certificate - might that be worth trying first? thanks for your help! |
Unknown | Report | 27 Apr 2005 19:21 |
I fear theres some illegitimacy way back ! Where and how does BRIDGNORTH fit in ? Can you get Marlene's birth cert ? To see if Valentine/Joe had a surname - OR if theres a fathers name at all ? If not, then possibly she took her mums name of Edwards ..... dunno, might be a fluke ? See the updates I made above. Sorry I had no more credits for FamilyRelatives site - which is easier to search (usually) Dont forget, Lillian:- 1. Might not have been registered .... 2. MIGHT HAVE BEEN REGISTERED QUITE LATE - hence I show thru 1909 3. Might have been registered Florence Lillian or something totally different ! Try and get you Grandma Marlenes birth cert. Hopefully someone else can lookat this later with a fresh view. Cheers for now ! |
Natalie | Report | 27 Apr 2005 19:06 |
Hiya, Yeah you're right with the list below: Lillian Edwards / Crook b1907 - married a guy whos first name was poss Valentine but he went by name of Joe (Joe is how my mum remembers him). Not sure if he legally changed this to Joe/Joseph (opens up a billion other possibilities!!) but I could find any Valentine/Lillian marriages registered anywhere. Not sure where she was born but london has been thrown up here and there so perhaps the Lillian Irvine is the one I'm looking for. Marlene Edwards b1939 - married Michael Wynn Davies in c.1958 My Mum Me ... Births Dec 1907 IRVINE Lillian Florence M Islington 1b 211 PRICE Lillian Florence Bromley 2a 533 |
Unknown | Report | 27 Apr 2005 18:27 |
Hmmm, not what I expected, unless the maiden name Edwards is a pure co-incidence for your Grandma Marlene. Just to be sure is this right ? GG. Lillian Edwards / Crook b1907 - married who ? Born where ? G. Marlene Edwards b1939 - married who surname ? M. Your Mum (dont need this name) You ... Here we go then.. this has exhausted FreeBMD. Tried Bridgnorth with no surname - nowt. Births Sep 1907 CROOK Lillian Alice Croydon 2a 392 Births Jun 1908 Crook Lillian Diane Henley 3a 1101 Births Jun 1908 Edwards Lillian May Wrexham 11b 288 ALL LILLIAN FLORENCES thru to early 1909, UK wide .. Births Dec 1907 IRVINE Lillian Florence M Islington 1b 211 PRICE Lillian Florence Bromley 2a 533 Births Mar 1908 Bird Lillian Florence Bristol 6a 192 Jackson Lillian Florence Richmond, S. 2a 549 Roe Lillian Florence Southampton 2c 24 Watts Lillian Florence Wandsworth 1d 515 Births Jun 1908 Bryant Lillian Florence I Fordingbridge 2b 707 Holloway Lillian Florence M Stourbridge 6c 156 Pilbeam Lillian Florence K Brighton 2b 229 Births Dec 1908 Crowther Lillian Florence Leeds 9b 453 Births Mar 1909 ANDREWS Lillian Florence Camberwell 1d 889 ANDREWS Lillian Florence King's N. 6c 367 BROOM Lillian Florence N Hackney 1b 446 I think theres a problem with FamilyRelatives - it couldnt find any Lillians 1900-1920 at one stage. Run out of credits now. A mystery developing here ! |
Natalie | Report | 27 Apr 2005 17:42 |
Hi Laird, Lillian Florence Edwards Crook birth date is 17-NOV-1907. I cant find any info anywhere on the surname Edwards Crook - I've tried just a surname search, hyphenating etc...In fact this surname is one of my main points of confusion. I found the listing for my mums birth and her Mothers (Lillians daughter Marlene b. 15-SEP-1939) maiden name and that was listed as Edwards. So I'm not sure where the Crook came from! Lillian definitely didnt marry more than once unless it was a complete secret in the family. Also I have a newspaper clipping from a paper in Bridgnorth that referred to Lillian as Mrs Lillian Edwards of 20 Kidderminster Road, Bridgnorth… Is any of this making sense? :) |
Unknown | Report | 27 Apr 2005 17:31 |
Hi - be glad to help a bit - need a bit more. Rough birth year of Lillian Florence Edwards Crook ? Rough birth year of your mum's mum - maiden name Crook ? ? Looks like Lillian's mum's maiden was Edwards ... Locations ? |
Natalie | Report | 27 Apr 2005 17:20 |
Ok I've been told to add a message to the 'Trying to Find' board if I'm going to start adding names etc so I'll try to explain the problem without giving too much detail! Basically my mum had a bad relationship with her mother for reasons that I wont go into detail. Her father died in 1988 so I cant ask him either. On her mothers side Mum knew her Grandmother very well but she died in 1998 and was registered as Lillian Florence Edwards Crook. So I thought I'd do a search on a marriage (she was only married once) under that surname but I've found nothing! Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I also have no record of her maiden name so cant go on to look for birth certificates for her. On her fathers side Mums Grandparents died when she was very very young plus she spent most of her infant/early yrs living in Malaysia as her father was in the RAF. So I thought if I got the birth certificates for both her parents as I have full names and birth dates for them they might detail both sets of grandparents. Its such a pain having so little to go on...but I really want to make a good go at trying as I think my mum might appreciate knowing a bit about her family history... |
KathleenBell | Report | 27 Apr 2005 13:29 |
If you give your mum's parents names on here and the area of the country that you think they come from, someone on here might be able to find their parents names from the census. If your mum's parents were born after the Sept. qtr. of 1911, then their mothers maiden names will be in 1837online indexes. Kath. x |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 27 Apr 2005 13:07 |
Unless you have very unusual names to search, why not go for Mum's parents marriage certificate first. This will give you the names of the grandfathers. Did your Mum ever know her grandparents first names and any surnames?What about areas? Using the GRO index, free at some large libraries and also Record offices you might be able to search for possible people before ordering certificates in a haphazrd way. |
Nichola | Report | 27 Apr 2005 13:05 |
Jess, I think Natalie is trying to find her great grandparents names from her grandparents certs. Nicky |
The Bag | Report | 27 Apr 2005 13:04 |
That is your grandaprents- Yes? Your mum must know their surname and probably christian names at least - Yes? Does she know her mothers maiden name? Jess |
Unknown | Report | 27 Apr 2005 12:58 | £7.00 is standard fee - £21 if you want express delivery - but it takes less than a week at present - above assumes you know the details. If you dont, then you will have to search for their names on ... |
Natalie | Report | 27 Apr 2005 12:54 |
Hi I am trying to get hold of copies of my Mums parents birth certificates in the hope that I can figure out their parents names. Does anyone know of a good website where I can get hold of these in a relatively inexpensive way? :) Help appreciated! |