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How do I do a census look up?

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Fred Report 3 May 2005 12:27

Can anybody tell me how to do look ups please? Can I do them online, or do I have to go to a library? What information will I need and what information will I get from it? I am running around in circles, not really knowing what I am doing!!! I have been a member since March this year and have got nowhere! Help please. Roz


Unknown Report 3 May 2005 12:37

start on Ancestry and watch the threads to add to your resources list. Dont be afraid to Google either - can produce amazing things (even Census Lookup sites !) www.ancestry* or *com

The Bag

The Bag Report 3 May 2005 12:46

You can do them at the local records office, local of course to the county where the census was taken. Ancestry is a subscripion site and there are many on here that don't mind using their subcription to help you. Bear in mind the latest availible census is 1901. From the request you made on my look up thread, census isn't really the resource that you need at the moment jess


Fred Report 3 May 2005 12:50

cheers peeps!!! the mud may be starting to thin a bit. I am off to the library to see what I can find oiut. No doubt I will be screaming for help again very soon.

The Bag

The Bag Report 3 May 2005 12:52

You'll be lucky if the libriary holds the records you need. do you know where your county records office is? Jess


Fred Report 3 May 2005 12:53

to be honest Jess, I thought a census would confirm the full names of my grandparents as I know where they lived around the time I was born in 1966. Is this true and if not, where would I look?


Fred Report 3 May 2005 12:55

Yes, I do know where the local office is. Are records available to the public and is this where I would go to confirm names, births etc??


Joy Report 3 May 2005 12:56

I am nudging a thread giving census dates for you. Joy

The Bag

The Bag Report 3 May 2005 13:04

Ros, the last cenus availible as i said is the 1901. Anything after that is either going to be a record of a birth , death or marriage, In order to get back to 1901 where it is easier to indentify groups of people, you need to find evidence of what went on later (from 1901- today) these records are availible on 1837 on line, but are grouped as 'Quarters' , so 4 pages for each year, so if you know someone was born jan 1940 for instance you know where to look.


Fred Report 3 May 2005 13:08

Just read your thread Joy, phew! now understand about census and why no good for me for anyone after 1901. I did look up a birth at my city library when I was trying to find my sister (still not found her!) I assumed that they have records of deaths and marriages as well. Easy way to find out is to phone them. thanx all for help, i will keep checking my threads if you have anymore help and advise.


Joy Report 3 May 2005 13:11

at a lot of main libraries they have the BMDs on fiche or film. Joy


Fred Report 3 May 2005 13:13

Jess, thanx ever so. I am not stupid, honest!!!! Just all so new to me that I really havent got a clue. Have a few ideas now to fill in some missing parts. Pretty please, wot is 1837 on line? Sorry.

The Bag

The Bag Report 3 May 2005 13:32

Sorry, got cut off, he wanted the computer (how dare he!). We were all new once- don't worry about it! 1837 is the register of birth deaths and marriages 'on line'. The events are grouped in to quarters and you have to pay to view each quarter. so if you know your rellie was born jan 1942 you'd look J/F/mar qtr that year nand hopefully find it. if, however, your dates are vague you have to pay to look in each quarter of each year, and can get expensive so tighten down all you can on dates before you start. jess


Kate Report 3 May 2005 15:20

And don't forget that Family Search has the 1881 census transcribed and free to look up. Kate.