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Windows XP SP2

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jw100 Report 4 May 2005 21:20

We finally got round to installing SP2 - couldn't put it off any longer. Since then I have to click on the back button at least 3 times in Genes to exit from any thread that I'm in. Ancestry seems to be behaving strangely and keeps reverting to Best Matches when I do next page in a search. My automatic logons don't work anymore - I have to type my name and password in each time. Generally not impressed at all. Has anyone got any suggestions for ways round these problems? Jane


McB Report 4 May 2005 21:26

Jane Uninstall it. It's nothing but trouble. I got rid of it and all is well again. Brian


Carol Report 4 May 2005 21:32

I've never had any problems with Win XP SP2. Carol


jw100 Report 4 May 2005 21:33

Hi Brian, Give me a clue - how would I go about uninstalling it? I've heard it's very difficult once you've installed it. Jane

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 4 May 2005 21:34

hi jane I agree with Brian get rid of it I had allsorts of problems after I installed it Got rid everything fine now Bren


shropgirl Report 4 May 2005 21:43

Ive just looked as I have it installed and all was ok. If you go to Control Panel and Add and Remove it is there. But dont know how safe it is to remove. E. Mail Brian and perhaps he will tell you Joan


InspectorGreenPen Report 4 May 2005 21:43

I disagree - If you are running XP then you should have it installed. Without SP2 you are leaving your computer wide open to malicious attacks as one of the main things it does it to improve on-line security. Have a look at the thread 1 STOP ROUTINE PC MAINTENANCE - this contains loads of usefull tips.


shropgirl Report 4 May 2005 21:48

I agree with Peter. Did it install properly ?I suppose you could try installing over it and it may come right , but not too sure. There should be no problem with this pack .Joan


Judy Report 4 May 2005 21:56

Peter's correct....the SP2 is necessary to safegaurd your PC and to keep it running up to date. Sometimes, for whatever reason, there seems to be a glitch when downloading....I've had this happen to me. Uninstall the current version you downloaded and re-download and install. PC Maintenance plays a big part in some of the things you've been experiencing so if that isn't something you've done lately it should be done. To uninstall: 1. Click on START. 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL. 3. From the list, click on ADD/REMOVE PROGRAM. 4. Scroll the list of programs showing and click once to highlight the SP2 program. 5. Click on the CHANGE/REMOVE button and follow the prompts to remove. 'Best Match' sounds like there may be spyware/adware on your PC if it keeps defaulting to that. That issue needs to be addressed soon as accumulated spyware/adware can reek havoc on your PC. Before uninstalling the SP2, though, I think I would address the adware/spyware issue as it doesn't seem to be an SP2 thing. It's a matter of process and ellimination to determine which one it is. Microsoft's free anti-spyware program is excellent as is ADAWARE. Microsoft, though, protects in real time to prevent spyware/adware from installing itself in the first place. If you already have an anti-spyware/adware you should know that these programs don't remove installed spyware/adware - these programs need to be uninstalled manually. Microsoft's program would prevent future infections. Judy

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 4 May 2005 23:55

I know lots of people who had trouble after downloading it from the site so I ordered the disc which Microsoft actually recommended and installed it within 20 minutes with no trouble at all


jw100 Report 5 May 2005 10:45

Thanks everyone for your advice - I think we'll have to try and reinstall it. I'm hoping that it was just a problem with the installation cos it's driving me mad with the problems on Ancestry and here. Jane


Unknown Report 5 May 2005 11:08

Yes - order the CD from Microsoft and install that way. I just built this PC from a Bare-Bones chassis - installed XP -Professional from original CDs, then SP2 from CD, then hooked up to Auto-updates and got up to date. Clean as a whistle and runs like a train. The points made earlier about possible ad-ware etc are very valid.

~ Oleander

~ Oleander Report 5 May 2005 11:39

I had to have my computer wiped after our hurricane and it came back installed with SP2 - had no problems but feel safer as I had some nasty bug before!!!