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How do you organise your Census Returns?

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Giles Report 6 May 2005 03:33

Do you store them on computer or print/store as hard copy? Do you use any software or offline filing system?


Ann-Marie Report 6 May 2005 03:48

I put 'em in a folder on comp called Censuses, also I have PAF which I can add sources too (with images)

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 6 May 2005 07:05

I save each image as a JPG, using the piece/folio/page number as a filename. I then transcribe the details for the family of interest into an Excel spreadsheet (have a separate worksheet for each census year). Then I add a hyperlink in Excel so that when I click on the person's name from within my Excel file, it opens up the JPG document - that way, it's easy to compare the transcribed entry with the original doc, or to trace a family from one decade to the next. As for printing them off, no way! I have got about 600 census pages in JPG format, so I save the trees and just view the pages on my PC. Regularly make a back-up to CD though!! Richard


Judith Report 6 May 2005 09:43

On the computer I have a 'censuses' folder, with sub folders for each census year. I started by storing the files under their piece/folio number but I couldn't then easily find the one I wanted so now they are stored under the name of the head of the household I'm interested in - that way all the census entries for one surname are listed together. I've begun to link these files to the appropriate family in my tree on 'Family Historian' I also have an A3 file for any paper copies which I have printed off at the LMA or county records offices. I don't print off all the entries I have on the computer but for my main families have ring files which contain family group sheets, scanned copies of certificates and census pages in date order.


Zoe Report 6 May 2005 10:26

I store mine on the computer categorised by census year. Then within each year I have them by either the name of the head of household - or if it's a female marriage from my main line by her maiden name with her married name in brackets. I also print out every page A4 and keep them in folders categorise din teh same way. I regularly read through them to see if any of the other details I've come across since getting them crop up on the same page. In doing this I have found a married daughter living next door to her parents (which I never saw before I knew her maiden name), two estranged sisters swapping their eldest daughters (!!!) and spouses to be living nearby (love over the back fence)


MrsBucketBouquet Report 6 May 2005 10:58

organise ??????? Thats a filthy word in this house lol I keep promising myself a free day to clear all these papers and put them in order but that day never seems to come! Now where did I put that computor?....oh yes! here it is :o)) Dissorganised/unorganised Gerri x

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 6 May 2005 11:38

OMG I can't believe you are all so organised I have bits of info like a mad womands breakfast as my mum used to say all over the place I just can't seem to get it together no matter how hard I try although I'm going on a holiday and wont be on line as much and then might manage to get my act together Lara


Jacqueline Report 6 May 2005 12:15

My cousin came to see me, with a lovely organised folder with all his research - I was quite ashamed to pull out my folder stuffed full of census returns, certificates or any other bits of information I have. I'm always franticly searching through piles of stuff to find what I want. The only organisation I have is one folder for each branch of the family - but things still get put in the wrong folders sometimes and I'm desperatly forraging through all my stuff to find the one piece of paper that I want. I think I prefer hard copies to putting it all onto programme in the computer. I've promiced myself that one day soon I am going to sort it all out - honest!!!!! Jackie


Jennifer Report 7 May 2005 13:21

Hi Giles, I have folders and sub folders for everything. I have one main folder called 'Family History' and within this I have 4 main family names, both my parents surnames and both my husband's parent's surnames. Within these four folders are named folders for associated branches of this particular family. I keep all relevant information to the particular family here including the various census information. Basically, it is a copy of the the four lever arch folders with sub dividers for each family name that I have. I have to say that both the lever arch files and my computer folders do get a little messy from time to time. Having recently 'lost' some information from my PAF file at home (don't know how or when) I have spent the last couple of weeks organising everything again. It is amazing what information I had that I dind't realise. I must have collected it along the way, at the time it didn't appear relevant, but having found more information it now all fits in. So check what you have, you may have more than you think. Jenny


Joy Report 7 May 2005 13:40

Most are printouts from visiting the Family Records Centre. Others are from 1901 census, and then from ancestry*.*com . They are kept within surname files. :-) Joy


Sidami Report 7 May 2005 13:56

I type all the information on to notes for my rellies. I then put the images that I have into their correct year, in the folders.


Bill Report 7 May 2005 14:06

I store images on my PC in a seperate subdirectory for each census year, with each census image for that year saved with the name of the person of primary interest on the page (usually the head of the household, but not always) as part of the file name. I have no print-outs of census pages, they are much easier to view (at any arbitrary level of magnification) on a display screen. Cheers, Bill Sydney, Australia


David Report 7 May 2005 14:28

I tried keeping hard copis but evenually had so many I could not find them. SO. Started a Directory for Family History. Scan all certs, etc. Made subdirectory for each Surname. Under each of these made subdirectories for Certificates, Census, and other items. Marriage certs I copy under each name. Now I can trace anythng in seconds. David


Irene Report 7 May 2005 14:53

I print them off, put them in a lever arch file with A4 divider in order for each family. On the divider I write, in pencil, each census date and where that family lived, and who lived there. I also write details of any BMD certificates I have that may have addresses on. I can then look and see what census details are missing and which family members have moved away. What I do find is that rarely do the census show the correct age or correct place of birth for my ancestors, they differ from census to census. We all need some sort of system and that one works well for me. Good Luck Irene