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Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 17:21 |
Hi, Any idea what the surname LAMBERT could be mis-transcibed as in the 1861 census. Have tried everything I can think of!! Cate :( Gave up on the ironing, gave up on the Lamberts, decided to look for another line the STUBBS!! Found them in 1861, 1871, 1881, came to a halt in 1891! Then found them transcribed as PHIBBS! At least I found them though! Cate :)) |
Always stressed! | Report | 8 May 2005 17:24 |
How strange. I have just added a note about the same thing. I have searched for name Hone on 1881 census for months and months. Today found under name of Howe. Have you tried Lombard, Lamburt, etc. Anything that sounds similar. Good luck. Pam. |
Smiley | Report | 8 May 2005 17:27 |
The fancy L's can sometimes look like S's too.. try Sambert Who are the family Cate? Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes could help Sam |
The Bag | Report | 8 May 2005 17:31 |
Found a Lamb i think it was the other day mis-transcribed as Clamb - The L had a big loop that made it look like a small C followed by l Jess |
Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 17:31 |
Hi Sam This is them in 1871: Edward Lambert 40 Stockport, Cheshire, England Head Heaton Norris Lancashire Elizabeth Lambert 18 Stockport, Cheshire, England Daughter Heaton Norris Lancashire Hannah Lambert 42 Heaton Norris, Lancashire, England Wife Heaton Norris Lancashire John Lambert 19 Stockport, Cheshire, England Son Heaton Norris Lancashire Maria Lambert 21 Stockport, Cheshire, England Daughter Heaton Norris Lancashire Mary A Lambert 11 Stockport, Cheshire, England Daughter Heaton Norris Lancashire Mary E Lambert 2 Heaton Norris, Lancashire, England Daughter Heaton Norris Lancashire IN 1881 Edward Lambert abt 1831 Stockport, Cheshire, England Head Heaton Norris Hannah Lambert abt 1829 Stockport, Cheshire, England Wife Heaton Norris Mary Ann Lambert abt 1860 Cheshire, England Daughter Heaton Norris Thanks Cate :) |
Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 17:32 |
Thanks Jess, will try that! Cate:) |
The Bag | Report | 8 May 2005 17:40 |
You nearly got the Hambletts then!! Thought id found them! I wonder why someone (hannah) gves her birth place as somewhere else (stockport) when she is living in the village that 10 years before she says she was born in.? im not convinced we are going to find them as a family group 10 years before - his & hers daughters both called Mary? |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 17:59 |
Since I have the following mistranscriptions, which arise from illegibility, rather than mispronounciation, Lambert could be almost anything: Lenorthy/Timothy and Smothey for Smoothy Thorne for Moore Curvey for Purvey Maththews/Mathews/Marthers for Matthews Capitals at the beginnings of names can look like almost anything. The upward strokes of b and t in the name could also be misread as l, d, f, h, k. Good luck. nell |
Ann-Marie | Report | 8 May 2005 18:03 |
Hi Catherine, what I do is leave the surname blank, only works well if u know first name approx year and where they were born. A word of advice though if they are living with step-parents they may be transcribed with their name, e.g. I was looking for Lizzy Broadway and she ended up being transcribed as Lizzy Haddon because she was with her step-dad even though on the census it said Lizzy Broadway. AL |
Lynne | Report | 8 May 2005 18:25 |
Jess Heaton Norris is a district of Stockport (I used to live there). Lyn |
Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 18:40 |
Thanks for all your replies. Have tried putting in just first names and trawled through loads, getting sores eyes! Won't give up though!! thanks again Cate :)) |
Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 20:18 |
Giving up and going to do the ironing!! Blimey must be bad if going to iron!!!! Cate :-S |
Catherine | Report | 8 May 2005 21:54 |
:)) |