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An Olde Crone | Report | 18 May 2005 22:30 |
Moe The Registrar (and before him, the Vicar) has always had the ability to alter or re-register a child, if the child was illegitimate but the mother subsequently married the natural father, as long as he was free to marry the mother at the time of the child's birth (hope that makes sense). Vicars often interpreted this law very liberally, and altered the Baptism details even if the father was NOT free to marry at the time of the child's birth. You have to see this in context with an era when being illegitimate was a real social drawback - many jobs and professions were completely closed to 'bastards'. The 'adopted' bit on your rellie's cert may have been the result of a remark by the father to the Registrar - 'he's my son, but I'm going to legally adopt him, just so there's no nastiness later on' and indeed some sort of agreement may have been drawn up by a Solicitor.But there are no Official Records of Adoptions before 1927, so it is anyone's guess where any such papers might be. Marjorie |
moe | Report | 18 May 2005 21:24 |
Jess, my mother was born in 1922 and re-registered in 1926 when she was adopted. with her birth mother listed as now married and married name entered (on 1922 B/C it had her maiden name),so some form of legal paperwork was done before 1927 i don't know whether it makes a difference as birth father was the adoptive parent along with his wife(not birth mother)MOE |
Suzanne | Report | 18 May 2005 21:15 |
jess he was adopted in 1915 |
Researching: |
The Bag | Report | 18 May 2005 21:10 |
Suzanne. When was your grandfather Adopted? |
Suzanne | Report | 18 May 2005 20:55 |
jess, my grandfather was adopted and his original certificate(that his birth mother done didnt have adopted written across it how come ? |
Researching: |
Always stressed! | Report | 18 May 2005 20:25 |
Hello again Jess, Will have to check up on all of that. Will get back asap. Thanks very much Pam. |
The Bag | Report | 18 May 2005 11:14 |
When you say 'later' How much later - when was her second birth cert issued, Does the original have 'adopted' written across the end of it? jess |
Always stressed! | Report | 18 May 2005 10:50 |
Hello Jess, It came to light when she died in 1996. No one knew she had been adopted. She was born in 1917. She was later adopted by Frank William and Annie Louise Rawnsley who also lived in the same area, Rochford, Essex. We are trying to find out her birth mother's family but finding it difficult as only have mother's name of Esther Hone. Just wondered if any way to find out via adoption papers but if there were none then, not sure where to go now. Have address for Gladys May Hone when born. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks for help. Pam. |
The Bag | Report | 16 May 2005 08:50 |
I.'m just a little confused because adoption as a formal process didnt happen until 1927, I believe it was. This person definately had their birth re-registered in a new name? When you say you have the names of the people that adopted her- presumably a different name entirely? Without meaning to sound nosey - how did it come to light? Jess |
Always stressed! | Report | 16 May 2005 08:39 |
Hello, yes it is original birth certificate. We have the name of mother Esther Hone on it. Also have names of people who adopted her if that is of any use? Unfortunately no one spoke about this in 'those days' and it only came to light that she was adopted a short time ago. Thanks for all replies. |
The Bag | Report | 15 May 2005 09:40 |
No she isn't...!! is it the ORIGINAL birth cert that you have?- the pre adoption, not post adoption? jess |
Guinevere | Report | 15 May 2005 09:27 |
Hi, I think the only people entitled to see the records are the adoptee and direct heir if he/she is dead. Jess will correct me if I'm wrong - she's the expert. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Always stressed! | Report | 15 May 2005 09:20 |
Hello. Does anyone know if you can view adoption records from 1917. Gladys May Hone born 1917 adopted. Have her birth certificate and gives mother's name Esther Hone. Have found 4 Esther Hones on free BMD. Think only one could be mother. Age 28 in 1917. Trying to connect mother to daughter but think can only do this by adoption records. Any suggestions please. Thanks Pam. |