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please don't laugh at me, but can I ask please...
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Seasons | Report | 18 May 2005 01:21 |
Oh sugar - thinks that's happened with my elusive Annie Norman!!!! |
Rachel | Report | 17 May 2005 19:38 |
You only need one partener if you have the reference as the GRO will find the volume and turn to the page you tell them and copy the certificate for the person you've asked for. That's as lonf as there aren't 2 people with the same name on the same page in the same quarter. |
Rachel | Report | 17 May 2005 19:32 |
If you find your person on FreeBMD but not sure is the spouses given could be right, you can look at the scan itself just to make sure the transcription is right (click on the glasses icon next to their name). I've also checked on 1837 before now (if the scan isn't available on FreeBMD) that the vol & page no is right. Rachel |
Unknown | Report | 17 May 2005 19:05 |
Have I got this right 'totally confused', I can order a marriage certificate without having the brides name, just the groom and the date. |
Seasons | Report | 17 May 2005 18:44 |
Yes I have looked but no joy. |
Seasons | Report | 17 May 2005 17:06 |
Do you think that works in reverse. I can't find the marriage of Annie Norman to James Andrew or Andrews c 1880/1900 Burnley/Oldham/Lancs I presume. Have spent the morning on Free BMD looking at all the marriages around Oldham/Lancashire and their partners 8 Annies married James Andrew and about 14 Annies married James Andrews. She was 42 when she married according to the 1901 Burnley census so could have been married before. However came up with this one Margaret Ann Gorman - Dec 1897 at Ashton - do you think this could be the right one? |
tinkers | Report | 17 May 2005 16:46 |
sorry sally for making u laugh but i only ordered the certificate cos i was curious to c wich of the 2 men my lady had married and got shock when it was someone different lol |
Sally | Report | 17 May 2005 16:38 |
I have just done that too Linda. My head is beginning to hurt now!! I have been round and round in circles, and still can,t be sure which of the two possibilities is the right one. Think I will give up for today! Thanks all Sally |
Heather | Report | 17 May 2005 16:15 |
If you are sure of the man you can always order the marriage certificate which just his name. |
Sally | Report | 17 May 2005 16:01 |
had to laugh unhappy - things like that don't make life easy for us do they! Linda, I did wonder why sometimes there was an 'odd' name, so thanks for that. Now I have two possibilities, both in the right area at the right time - so back to the drawing board for a bit! Sally |
tinkers | Report | 17 May 2005 15:35 |
i found when i was looking for one of my rellys the womans name was there and the bloke i thought she married wasnt there were 2 different names there so i decided to order a certificate to c wich 1 of these 2 blokes she married so when the certificate came i got shock of my life cos neither of the 2 blokes that were named was on the certificate if that makes sense |
Sally | Report | 17 May 2005 15:31 |
thank you Linda - I never noticed the alphabetical thing!! (glad you didn't laugh!) Sally |
Sally | Report | 17 May 2005 15:24 |
You know when you look up marriages on BMD, and you click on the one you think you want, a list of four or five comes up, but with the names that you are looking for not necessarily paired together. e.g. say I'm looking for fred bloggs marrying Annie, and it comes up thus: Fred bloggs blah blah Alice smith blah blah tom jones blah blah Annie whoever blah blah Does this mean that fred married alice, and tom married annie, and is therefore the wrong one? Sally |