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Old Marriage Certs - Is Fathers Name Included?

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Dorothy Report 20 May 2005 11:40

I was about to send for my 3 x Gt Grandparent's 1825 Marriage Cert to find out their father's names but someone told me that father's name is not included on certs this old. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Di


Sam Report 20 May 2005 11:52

Hi Diane You can't get marriage certificates from 1825, civil registration didn't start until 1837. You have to look at the parish records before that, is that what you are getting, a copy of that? All the parish records I have seen do include the fathers name but I've only seen a couple of marriages so I don't know if this is normal or I've just been lucky. Sam


Dorothy Report 20 May 2005 11:58

Hi Sam, no I thought I could get the Marriage Cert as I have the date and place of marriage from our family bible. Looks like I will have to go the Parish Records route - do you know if this will this give the father's name? Di


Phoenix Report 20 May 2005 12:21

Just a little thing, Diana. Have you checked the date of publication of the bible? Perish the thought that our ancestors should ever get anything wrong, but if the details were entered several years later (giveaways are a whole list of entries in the same handwriting and the same ink) then they are subject to error like everything else. Brenda (Trying not to be jealous!)


Unknown Report 20 May 2005 12:27

Hi Diane, I have parish marriage's on fiche from well before and after this date of 1825 and none have the fathers name,,.only those from 1837 Kay.


Dorothy Report 20 May 2005 12:31

Thanks to all, perhaps they will have to remain a mystery for a while longer. Di :-(


Unknown Report 20 May 2005 12:36

Hi Di, You may do better to try and find his baptism??it may give his parents/parent/ . kay.


Kate Report 20 May 2005 13:28

The parish records marriage entry probably won't give the fathers' names but it will give you the names of witnesses, who may well have been relatives, so it may be worth looking it up anyway. Kate.


Carol Report 20 May 2005 14:06

Depending on the area, the marriage and her baptism may be on the IGI. Can you give us a name so we can look for you.


Dorothy Report 20 May 2005 15:41

OK here goes... James Overfield born c1806 Melbourn, York married 18 Aug 1825 Garton on the Wolds, Yorkshire to Sarah Wass born c1806 Sutton under Whitestonecliffe. I don't have the names of any of their parents. Di


Thelma Report 20 May 2005 16:11

Nothing for James. Two possibles for Sarah SARAH WASS - International Genealogical Index - British Isles Gender: Female Christening: 24 SEP 1789 Hawnby, Yorkshire, England [Remove] 2. SARAH WASS - International Genealogical Index - British Isles Gender: Female Christening: 31 DEC 1807 Saint Peter, Leeds, Yorkshire, England


Dorothy Report 20 May 2005 16:20

Hi Jim, the Hawnby one is almost certainly too old but the Leeds one looks about right, only trouble is that Leeds is about 45 miles from where my Sarah was born.


Unknown Report 20 May 2005 16:24

Diane It may not be the correct one but it could be that her parents married in that church in Leeds and took her there to be baptised Several of my Derbyshire ancestors are baptised 30+ miles from where they were born and it now appears they were taken to be baptised in the church where one of the parents was baptised or where the parents married as they had connections to that particular church Lou