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Exporting your tree - still struggling!!!

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Heather Report 24 May 2005 21:11

I seem to remember that there is some sort of conflict of files with PAF. Dont you have to change the format or something to export?


Gigi Report 24 May 2005 15:52

Hi Judy, Thanks for the step by step guide. Will have a go tonight when the kiddies are tucked up in bed!! Gillian


Judy Report 24 May 2005 15:50

Gillian, If I'm understanding correctly, you want to open the .ged file using your PAF program? Just follow instructions below, one step at a time, and below will make sense as you go. Assuming you have a PAF icon on your desktop and you know where on your PC the .ged file is: 1. Click on the PAF icon to open the program. 2. Top, left, click on FILE. 3. From the drop down box, choose OPEN. 4. A box appears labeled: OPEN FAMILY FILE. Right below this there is a LOOK field. There is probably something already showing in this field. Look to the end of this field and click on the 'v.' 5. When you clicked on the 'v' a drop down box appeared allowing you to scroll various areas of your PC....scroll and find the .ged file you want to view and click on it. Example: the file you wish to open is named gilliean.ged and it's on your desktop. Scroll and click on desktop and the .ged file should be showing....double click on it and you should now be able to view the .ged file in your PAF program. If the .ged file not showing after you click on DESKTOP, at the bottom of the OPEN FAMILY FILE box there are two fields - the one labeled FILES OF TYPES has a 'v' to click on it and choose, from the drop down box that appears, ALL FILES. You should now be able to see the .ged file, double click and voila! Judy


Gigi Report 24 May 2005 11:04

Hi Gray, I think I may have to resort to that too!! G


Gigi Report 24 May 2005 09:44

I did use import ged file. It did something but I couldn't find my imported file afterwards!! I tried a few times so probaly have at least ten copies on my PC somewhere!! G


Lynne Report 24 May 2005 09:20

Gillian I don't use PAF so can't be certain but it will probably be something like 'Import Ged' Lyn


Gigi Report 24 May 2005 07:44

Hi All, I did keep trying and eventually I created a .ged file which I saved on my PC. Now I am trying to get this file in PAF and failing!! Can anyone tell me how to do this??!! Thanks, Gillian


Kate Report 23 May 2005 22:51

Gillian - I was trying to export mine last night to load it onto Tribal Pages but I gave up. Tried again this morning and it only took about three attempts. Just keep clicking on it and wait a little while each time to see if anything happens, and hopefully you will eventually succeed! Funnily enough I also got the error message the first time I tried to add this reply to your thread!! Kate.


Judy Report 23 May 2005 22:08

Gillian: If you haven't already, see the thread '1 Stop Routine PC Maintenance' and empty both cookies and temporary internet folders as explained......approximately 8 tips down, on the 1st page, there are also directions for changing a setting on your PC 'Fixing Site Errors.' That may correct the problem you're experiencing. Judy


Gigi Report 23 May 2005 20:57

Hi Helen, It's when I click on Export tree on GR. I too am trying to export to PAF. I have a PAF file with just me in it to export to. When I click on 'export tree' I keep getting the error!! Gillian


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 20:54

Gillian Not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but when I downloaded PAF from the LDS site, I opened it and then imported my GR tree and it was all very straight-forward. I hope someone can help you. nell


Gigi Report 23 May 2005 20:07

Hi again, I'm still having trouble! I keep getting: The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. Has anyone been sucessful? What do you get after clicking on Export Tree??? Now getting seriously frustrated, Gillian


Heather Report 23 May 2005 10:45

I spent a lifetime doing my one the first time, simply cos I had my middle name on the FT2005 and not on the GR tree so it would not recognise me.


Gigi Report 23 May 2005 08:26

Thanks, am going to tree again!


Sheleen Report 21 May 2005 17:08

refresh the page and try again. This sometimes happens, and can be frustrating when the same page appears over and over again - but it usually rights itself in the end, and you can then export your tree.


Gigi Report 21 May 2005 16:49

Hello All, Have anyone sucessded in exporting their tree? I've tried a few times and I just get 'cannot load page' screen!! Gillian