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Can anyone point me in the right direction

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Kate Report 23 May 2005 22:59

Peter - yes, the 1901 census can be searched on address if you use the 1901 site rather than ancestry. Kate.


Peter Report 23 May 2005 20:09

Thank you to all who have come back with replies, and assistance. Its a real problem yea, the ages given on the marriage cert is 21 for Edward Sidney, and 23 for Elizabeth. Laird Davison 1891 census comes close with Matthews, Edward abt1883 Son London Mile End Old Town, the same area as Elizabeth was in.(But no Job) Matthews is with two Ts, thats our family name, all makes sense, and the dads name was JOB. When Edward Sidney and Elizabeth were married in 1903 they were both living at the same address? 32 Lower Road Plaistow. I know Eizabeth was in Mile End Old Town in 1901. Was wondering if Edward Sidney was at this address in 1901, and who else, can the 1901 census be looked up by address. My dad was born at 21 Beaumont Road Plaistow 1904, 1 year after they were married. I will see if I get some replies to this, and if I do not get anywhere, I will put on hold so as not to give yourselves the headaches. Thank you all again. Kind regards, Peter


Irene Report 23 May 2005 12:19

Hi Peter There are a few possiblities, they couldn't read the surname and could be put with ..... like my g grandparents, but then I did know where they were living. Edward may not have been his 1st name, father in law was Arthur Charles but we only knew him as Charles Arthur even mum in law didn't know, he was married CA as well. or he was just left off the census. Not very helpful sorry. I have look on Freebmd for Edw* hoping that would throw up a Sy(i)dney. Looked for Sy(i)dney as well. Also looked for his father name Jo* just in case he had his father name. Plaistow is in West Ham I wonder how long he lived there before marrying. Not sure if Elec Rolls would include him then as only men who owned property were able to vote around then. One possiblity do you know when he died and where, could you get his death cert, that may give his birth date, I know later ones gave a birth date, it would give a starting point. Was he in WW1 there may be information there. Another thought, could he have been in the Boar War. Could have lied about his age to go many did. Irene


Heather Report 23 May 2005 11:02

No valid input, but what a good surname for a sewer labourers wife, eh?


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 09:34

I can offer Sidney Edward, (one T) 1878, Mile End Old Town ...


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 09:17

I used Mat* to produce 1891 'hits' can you do the same for BMD ?

The Bag

The Bag Report 23 May 2005 08:47

''Edward Sidney Matthews, Sewer Labourer b1882 London, married Elizabeth Dredger 12 Dec 1903 Parish Church Plaistow. '' I did wonder as usually an age was stated on a marriage cert not a year of birth. Exactly what was stated as their ages when they married? jess


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 08:41

worth investigating - given same area as Elizabeth .... but no fathers called Job. 1891 census ------------ Mathew, Edward abt 1880 Clerkenwell, London Son Bethnal Green London Mathews, Edward abt 1881 Hoxton, London Son Clerkenwell London Mathews, Edward abt 1881 Stepney, London Son Fulham London (BROTHER BORN SHADWELL) Matthews, Edward abt 1883 Mile End, London Son Mile End Old Town London Matthews, Edward abt 1880 Ratcliff, London Son Ratcliff London Matthews, Edward abt 1882 Bromley By Bow, London Son Stratford Le Bow St Mary London

The Bag

The Bag Report 23 May 2005 08:40

OK Peter, you have repeated what you started out by saying... (although you didn't say you had traced elizabeth or i would not have wasted my time!) Probably mistranscribed then is your answer jess


Peter Report 23 May 2005 08:36

The 1904 is my dad, his dad Edward Sidney Matthews born c1882 London, and his dads name was Job Matthews. Elizabeth Dredger his wife my grandma I have traced. The area they were in was West Ham, he was born 1882, cannot find on 1891/1901 census, he married Elizabeth Dredger in 1903, where can I look. Many thanks. Peter


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 08:33

Edward ??? with family in 1891 - long shot given dob-year, but not many Job's in London area .... another family born Westminster shows up in 1861 and 1881, but too soon for Edwards birth. Matthews, Alice abt 1869 Leicester, Surrey Wife Epsom Surrey Matthews, Edward abt 1885 Mitcham, Surrey Son Epsom Surrey Matthews, Job abt 1864 Croydon, Surrey Head Epsom Surrey Matthews, Job abt 1889 Walton On Hill, Surrey Son Epsom Surrey Matthews, Ruth abt 1888 Dorking, Surrey Daughter Epsom Surrey

The Bag

The Bag Report 23 May 2005 08:29

1891 Dredger, Elizabeth abt 1854 Whitechapel, midd Wife West Ham Essex -->>Dredger, Elizabeth abt 1881 Whitechapel, midd Daughter West Ham Essex Dredger, Frederick abt 1857 thornin, Deutschland Head West Ham Essex Dredger, George abt 1883 Whitechapel, midd Son West Ham Essex Dredger, Hannah abt 1885 Poplar, midd Daughter West Ham Essex

The Bag

The Bag Report 23 May 2005 08:27

The obvious Elizabeth -->>Elizabeth Dredger abt 1880 Shadwell, London, England Servant Mile End Old Town London Charles E Quay abt 1868 Stepney, London, England Head Mile End Old Town London Elizabeth M Quay abt 1832 Greenwich, Kent, England Mother Mile End Old Town London Elizabeth M Quay abt 1870 Stepney, London, England Sister Mile End Old Town London Ellen A Quay abt 1861 Stepney, London, England Sister Mile End Old Town London John D Quay abt 1900 Stepney, London, England Nephew Mile End Old Town

The Bag

The Bag Report 23 May 2005 08:25

I presume it is Job you are loking for. Is JOB his rea name? where, geographically ,are you expecting him to be? Jess


Peter Report 23 May 2005 08:13

WHY CAN'T I FIND MY GRANDDAD & FAMILY ON CENSUS. I have my Grandma and Granddads marriage certificate. Edward Sidney Matthews, Sewer Labourer b1882 London, married Elizabeth Dredger 12 Dec 1903 Parish Church Plaistow. His dads name was Job Matthews. So can anyone give me a pointer as to why I cannot locate them, I have looked at 1891/1901 census when I had access, and others have looked for me. My dad was born 1904 and he had 3 brothers after himself, so he must have been around. Any help will be appreciated, many thanks. Peter