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Please can someone advise on what to do next.

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Catherine Report 24 May 2005 23:09

I have just started to research my family tree and am stuck already.don't know much about my family,so isent for my Mums birth cert,she has no Father on the cert.It gives where and when born,1 derby rd Wesham or weshaw.Name surname of Mother emma taylor, cafe waitress 13 charby road (think its charby can't make out the lettering)Blackpool.Signiture discription and residence of infomant,E taylor mother 1 derby road wesham.I heard that my Mothers mum died giving birth to my Mother but not sure if it's true no relatives to where do i go from here surely this isn't the end can someone please give me some advise it would be really apreciated.thankyou.

The Bag

The Bag Report 24 May 2005 23:13

When was she born?!!


Kate Report 24 May 2005 23:15

You don't give any dates, but if your grandmother died giving birth to your mother, her death should be registered in the same quarter and same place as your mother's birth, so it should be relatively easy to find out if she died then. That's the first thing to check, because if you do find her death registration you can apply for the death certificate and see who the 'informant' was, and if you're lucky it will be a relative. Kate.


Kate Report 24 May 2005 23:18

By the way, it will be Wesham rather than Weshaw. It is a few miles from Blackpool. I haven't got a street map of Blackpool to check the street name but will see if I can check it online.


Carol Report 24 May 2005 23:21

Just a thought. If your grandmother died giving birth to your mother, how could she be the informant on the birth certificate?


Kate Report 24 May 2005 23:22

Wesham Park Hospital is on Derby Road, Wesham although no street number is given for it on the references I have found, so that is probably the place where your mother was born. Kate.


Kate Report 24 May 2005 23:24

There is a Charnley Road and a Chorley Road in Blackpool; could either of them be the address rather than Charby? Kate.


Catherine Report 24 May 2005 23:25

The date my Mother was born is 28th Sept 1932.I was wondering why it gives 2 different addresses could one where she was born one where her mother lived and the address of the informant could this be her Mother's Mother's address.thanks.


Keith Report 24 May 2005 23:30

The headings in the certificate will help you. Date and Place of birth is probably the Hospital, and Date and Address of informant is where her Mother was living when she registered the birth. This of course happened to be the hospital. Good hunting. Feel free to eMail me if I can help. Keith


Kate Report 24 May 2005 23:31

I don't know why the two addresses unless the Derby Road one is the hospital and the other Emma's home, or possibly the 'Charby Road' one is the cafe where Emma worked? Anyway, if you don't find Emma's death listed in 1932, if I were you I would try to find out who was living at the two addresses you have (three if you try both the versions of Charby I suggested), perhaps on the electoral roll for 1932, or any old directory of Blackpool you can get access to for around that time. I'm sure together the collective GR brains can think of some more ideas! Kate.


Catherine Report 24 May 2005 23:33

I was thinking maybe it wasn't my mum's mum that registered her it was her grandmother.


Catherine Report 25 May 2005 00:10

I would like to thank you all for your help and advise you all gave me,asa i said i am a novice at this so a big thanks to you all.

The Bag

The Bag Report 25 May 2005 08:41

Just thinking thru. if Emma Taylor was the Mother of the childand E taylor was the grandmother of the child AND it is the right death age 31 - all 'suppose' -what are the chances of their being in blackpool in 1901? Its slim, but a 'might be just' Jess