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i got lucky!

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Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 13:22

Hi Robin, thanks for that information, much appreciated. The lady inside the church was telling me that it was a good job that the Sheffield FHS had a copy of the grave stone inscriptions because some cretins have stolen their copy from the church after they spent weeks going round all the graves there collecting that data. Regards, Claire x


Montmorency Report 1 Jun 2005 12:45

Sheffield FHS has a transcription of the Bradfield burial registers for sale. It's got 54 Booths listed. Used to be on a cheap floppy disk -- I'm not clear whether you can still buy it on floppy, or whether you have to get the £20 CD now (in which case the whole NBI might be better value). The data is also pay-per-view on the FamilyHistoryOnline website Sheffield FHS have also got the Bradfield gravestone inscriptions, on floppy disk for £3, over a dozen Booths in that set as well.


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 12:28

Thanks Valerie, I live in Lancashire with my family in Yorkshire so no one apart from Matt to share with. Matt does listen, bless him, but not really that interested in it all. I appreciate you all listening and wish you all the same luck i have had. Claire xx

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 Jun 2005 12:26

how lovely for you ,I know what it is like to get excited and no-one to share it with my husband thinks it is boring , so I get very frustrated but people on here are good listeners


Ann Report 1 Jun 2005 12:18

Like I said ickle c.......twas meant to happen! You aren't rambling on at all , it's good to hear success us all hope. Ann x


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 12:06

Thanks Ann. It was a nice day, Matt's grandparents fancied a walk so we went into Bradfield. Aim really was just to see the place and look at the church. Matt went up to where the gravestone is just to get a better view for a picture he was taking and then looked and saw the name! I dont think i could have got any luckier. Claire x


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 12:04

Well done on your find Jess, i do hope you manage to get further information on this unknown brother. I now know for sure my Levi Booth's wife was Ann and they died within 2 years of each other. I now know that George Booth died aged 24 and never married and he was first in the grave with Ann next and then Levi. Makes me wonder if they had some money though for a gravestone that large in 1869. Levi was a 'cow doctor' which i think is some sort of vet. The surrounding areas where they lived were just fields so not suprisingly in the ag lab sort of trade. Claire xx


Ann Report 1 Jun 2005 12:02

Brilliant icle c. Isn't it strange how things happen when you aren't really looking......It's as if it's meant to be. I have spent ages trawling through looking for people + then suddenly out of the blue a clue pops up.! I am so pleased for you Ann x

The Bag

The Bag Report 1 Jun 2005 12:00

I did the same this past weekend with my Dad.Having found a couple of mums rellies , he then paused, under a tree. .....'and that is where her brother is buried' I never knew she had a brother! he was born and died before she was, and was never spoken about.She doesn't even know his name, although i will try andfind out for her. Fortunately it is in a small village, and the have a reletively unsual surname, so here's hoping jess


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 11:57

Hi Linda, I had put this Booth family of mine to the back of my mind as they had become abit of a brickwall. We only went because the village is near where my boyfriends grandparents lived and we were visiting there. I was aimlessly walking around this graveyard when Matt just went erm i think i have your rellies here. Thought he was winding me up until i went and looked. The gravestone is huge with 3 poems on it, one for each person in the grave. I have now dug out all my Booth notes and hoping now to fill in some missing gaps. Still grinning. Claire x


Linda Report 1 Jun 2005 11:53

Dont apologise, you are not rampling but excited! Am soooo pleased for you. Isnt it great when a 'find' happens!!!


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 11:37

Cheers Pam, I dont get much luck with my tree so i am still grinning ear to ear about this find. Just a shame no one i know is interested in family history. Claire xx


Pamela Report 1 Jun 2005 11:36

Well done! Very glad to hear of your luck. Pam


Bluesavannah Report 1 Jun 2005 11:28

Hi all, probably not the right board for this but wanted to share my joy. Went for a walk around Bradfield in Yorkshire the other day with boyfriend as some of my ancestors were from there. Really just to see the place but we went into the churchyard. Can you believe, in the middle of hundreds and hundreds of gravestones, there were my ancestors!! Even better, the son i couldnt find what had happend to was in the same grave as them. Sorry for rambling, wanted to share. Claire xx