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Hoping for help with 1861 census and parish record

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Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 10:42

See message below:


Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 10:42

Could anyone help me with a census entry from 1861 and one other thing. I have recently discovered my 3 x g grandfather JAMES GRIFFITHS with his family on the 1861 census living in Plodds, East Dean, Gloucestershire. Also living with the family is James’ father GILES GRIFFITHS aged 60 and a widower. Looking at the census it looks as though both James and Giles were born in Ruardean in Gloucestershire. Unfortunately, I can’t make out the birthplace of James’ wife, Jane. Could someone take a look and see what they think it says. Ref is : RG 9/1755 East Dean, Plodds. I have discovered that on this census there is also another GILES GRIFFITHS in the same area, and of the same age. On the IGI there are two different Giles Griffiths born abt 1800. I have found what I believe to be my Giles GRIFFITHS and family on 1841 census. Giles Griffiths age 40 Sarah age 45 Mary age 20 James age 15 Ann age 10 George age 8 Henry age 6 Thomas age 4 Giles age 1 I would appreciate any tips, assistance on how I can determine which Giles Griffiths is mine and how I can find his wife’s maiden name. I have all the census information back to 1841 but can’t find any registered births, marriages or deaths before the marriage of my great grandmother Amelia Griffiths in 1891. I suppose parish records would be the answer, (just thinking out loud) but how would I determine which Giles was mine. Getting a little fed up so looking for inspiration. Thank you, Jenny


Louise2212 Report 5 Jun 2005 10:48

request a 1851 lookup - to see if you can confirm he is yours to find a madien name you need to find the marriage, or the birth certificte of one of the kids


Louise2212 Report 5 Jun 2005 10:49

jane could be born in 'Town ot Tower High of Eastham or Eashdam or eashdear' - Glastonbury or Glouscester?


Carol Report 5 Jun 2005 10:53

Could be way off the mark here but it looks like Township of East Dean. Look at the entries further down the page, defo township!! Carol xx


Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 10:53

Hi Louise, Thanks for your reply. So far I haven;t managed to find any births, marriages etc. I have looked, but will try again. I think, looking at the census image again it says 'Township of ...........' not sure what the ........ says though. Jenny


Louise2212 Report 5 Jun 2005 10:56

so it does lol, ijust can't make out that last bit


Steve Report 5 Jun 2005 10:56

Hi Jenny, just checked on and your Jane Griffiths was born in East Dean. Steve


Carol Report 5 Jun 2005 10:58

Just googled Township of East Dean and there are lots of references to it so I reckon that's what it sys carolxx


Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 10:59

Thank you everyone for that. I have looked again and It does look like East Dean, I couldn't see it before but the more I look I think you are right. Jenny


Carol Report 5 Jun 2005 11:01

Hurrah! For once I have been able to help someone, it's usually them helping Carol xx


Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 11:06

Carole, A personal thank you from me. Glad I could make your day. lol :-) Jenny


Unknown Report 5 Jun 2005 11:08

you mentioned the IGI .... as well as your Glos' chaps theres a geezer just over in Monmouthshire (the english bit ?) - and his is the only recorded marriage in 1815-1825 period. To a Sarah ...... the banns entry is LDS member sourced, but the marriage is a register entry. The 2 places are approx 12 miles apart ... Heres all the GG baps .. 2. Giles Griffiths - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Birth: About 1795 Of, Llanwenarth, Monmouth, England 3. GILES GRIFFITHS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 24 MAY 1795 Ruardean, Gloucester, England 4. GILES GRIFFITHS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 03 APR 1796 Coleford, Gloucester, England 5. GILES GRIFFITHS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 03 APR 1796 Newland, Gloucester, England 6. GILES GRIFFITS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 10 APR 1796 Ruardean, Gloucester, England


Jennifer Report 5 Jun 2005 11:17

Necromancer, ooohh...... the plot thickens. I though two Giles Griffiths born at the same time and in the same place was bad enough. It does say on 1861 census that Giles was born Ruardean but I know from past experience that this could be wrong. I have other branches where the mother must have had access to a time machine whilst in labour, as birthplaces change from census to census. :-) Jenny


Unknown Report 5 Jun 2005 11:19

East Dean is about 2km north of Mitcheldean, and maybe 5 km NE of Ruarden .. http://www.streetmap*,+Gloucestershire+[City/Town/Village]&searchp=newsearch.srf&mapp=newmap.srf