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Page cannot be found message...

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Carol Report 11 Jun 2005 20:32

Thankyou all very much for your tips and views. It only happens to me on this site also I have found clicking the refresh button instead of the 'back' button much better as you only go through the 'page not found' process once instead of several times. Thanks again everyone, Carol x


InspectorGreenPen Report 11 Jun 2005 10:18

It's not normally GR, unless they have gone completely off air - it is your PC or your ISP. You get the page not found message when it times out.


Dwaffy Report 11 Jun 2005 05:46

My record is 15 consecutive 'page not found', when attempting to post the result of a census look up. My internet settings are ok, my cookie box etc is washed every day. I don't think it is because the site is busy as I've had it happen at 0400 in the morning when the site is hardly thronged with members. In fact I've had it happen twice today already and its 0540. (cat woke me up by sitting on my chest and purring fit to bring the roof in) I'm on moderate fast NTL broadband. It doesn't happen on other sites. I think perhaps the GR servers are well past pensionable age and are showing the strain. dave


KiwiChris Report 11 Jun 2005 03:04

It happens frequently to me, and almost always it is this site. I can't actually think of another site that I use where I have noticed it a problem, but on GR it definitely is. I have assumed that it is something on here. I am not on broadband. It has just done it again as I try to post this!!!!! Christine in NZ


Bill Report 11 Jun 2005 01:30

> concluded it must be this site as opposed to my isp It may well be the way your ISP's connection to the GR web site location is routed across the Internet. That is something that GR has no control over. Personally I have not yet had any trouble with the responsiveness of the GR web site, nor experienced any 'page not found' errors from it. Cheers, Bill Sydney, Australia


Unknown Report 11 Jun 2005 00:06

I get the page cannot be found message quite a lot, but only on this site, so I've concluded it must be this site as opposed to my isp. nell


Judy Report 10 Jun 2005 23:19

Fixing “Website Can’t Be Found” and other Site Error Messages More than likely you have trouble with accessing quite a few sites.....particularly getting the message 'website can't be found' among a few other error messages. Try the following and it should solve your problem. 1. Go to START. 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL. 3. Click on INTERNET OPTIONS. 4. Change NUMBER OF DAYS TO KEEP IN HISTORY to “0” and click APPLY 5. A box appears with tabs labeled across the top. Click on ADVANCED. 6. Scroll down to the sub-heading SECURITY. 7. Make sure the following has check marks next to it: Use USE SSL 2.0, USE SSL 3.0 and USE TLS 1.0. 8. Also make sure you check off EMPTY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILE WHEN BROWSER IS CLOSED. More than likely USE TLS 1.0 is not checked of and it should be. This will give you the error messages, as well as a few others, that will prevent you from viewing web sites and the error you are getting. Make sure you empty your cookies cache as well as temporary internet files once in a while, too, as this slows down your computer and these folders tend to 'remember' the errors and may continue to bring them up until the folders are emptied. Judy :) PS: To empty cookies and temporary internet folders completely, see my thread '1 Stop Rotine PC Maintenance' on the TIPS board.....I'll nudge it up for you. You'll find the information on the first page of the thread.


Carol Report 10 Jun 2005 13:57

cheers, Kay


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 13:55

Sometimes;;If the traffice is heavy to that site,,,nothing much to be done about it,,,,, Kay


Carol Report 10 Jun 2005 13:45

Thanks Kay, tried the refresh and it worked but still a pain that it's there, does it happen to you much? I'm on ntl broadband. Thanks for your help, at least it might only take one attempt now, thanks, Carol


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 13:38

Carol. nothing to tecchie about it it's your Isp..after tying to connect to the site,,,it has a cut off point,,so will display that message,,,,more so if on dial up...or low broadband... Try clicking your ,Refresh Button,,the little one with green arrows on it. Kay.


Beverly Report 10 Jun 2005 13:29

Carol This happens to me all the time, both at home and at work. Very frustrating when you don't have long for lunch (like now!). Bev


Carol Report 10 Jun 2005 13:18

Sorry another question! When searching Genes I continually get the 'page cannot be found' message and it takes two/ three attempts to go to another page. I'm not too good on the technical side so if anyone has an answer please be gentle with me and explain it to me as if I was a five year old!! Ha Ha! Thanks, Carol