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Merry Report 22 Jun 2005 09:46

Have a great day at the cemetery, Jane! Jess - didn't know you work at a school (brave??!) Sarah


Jane Report 22 Jun 2005 09:32

Oh so I am sane! Today I'm having a day out at a cemetery and I'm really looking forward to it. And it's not even to look for any of my ancestors but a soldiers grave. Not even sure why! But a friend asked if I'd like a day out and I jump at anything to do with genealogy. Jane

The Bag

The Bag Report 22 Jun 2005 09:10

The school at which I work,is an old house although now much extended. Because it is situated in a small village I was able to scout through the village and find its inhabitants in a copple of the census. Its wierd, it puts the school into a different perspetive and he children are fascinated to hear that Mr and Mrs X probably took tea in what is now one of their class rooms served to them by Jenny, and the huge staircase swept by Emily the housemaid. Hopefully a bit of my interest will rub off on the next generation


Merry Report 22 Jun 2005 08:21

Blimey and I thought it was only my hubby who suffered with GAS???!!! lol Sarah


Bill Report 22 Jun 2005 07:58

> Why was I doing that? A classic attack of GAS... Genealogical Acquisition Syndrome. GAS is the need to acquire genealogical information just for the sake of experiencing its acquisition. Once acquired GAS can never be cured, though treatment to control symptoms is possible and even long term remission is sometimes achieved. Cheers, Bill <with a very big grin> Sydney, Australia


McDitzy Report 22 Jun 2005 07:53

I've done that before, Sarah. LOL. Was walking about in our local church graveyard, and saw a grave for a unusual name wjho died aged 14 in 1904.... so went home and looked him up on the censuses etc, I even known exactly where he was living in 1901 (as it's in the village) and it was a sad story. The parents had three children, two of them died in 1905 and 1904 both in their teens.... We all go a little mad some times! Chloe x


Merry Report 22 Jun 2005 07:12

Oh, you're all nearly as bad as me then!! I feel much better now! No problem for the cyber-booze, Brenda (Brenda won this is my competition for the oldest broken down brick wall of 25+ years!) Good job you drank it off site though. Wouldn't want to be found drunk-in-charge of a mouse? Carol - that sounds just up my street - maybe I should take the bus more often? I was reading a general history site about a village in Essex where a twig of rellies went to live. Amongst other things, the site had the war memorial list and also the census record for the village from 1901. After some research I wrote to the webmaster letting him know that I had sorted out who on the census had died in the war. I also sent a photo of my rellies at their house in the village taken in 1907. Was rewarded my the web manager writing back saying, ''That photo is of my own home''!!!!!!!! Brill stuff Glad to know I'm obviously not alone lol Sarah


Carol Report 22 Jun 2005 01:10

I was at a bus stop which was very close to a war memorial. I stayed there and copied all the names from the memorialand let 3 buses go by in the process When I got home, I set about looking them up on the CWGC site I think we must have it bad.


Phoenix Report 22 Jun 2005 00:04

This seems perfectly sane and rational behaviour to me, Sarah! I've used censuses to look up my favourite authors, or pursued neighbours of ancestors out of sheer curiosity. PS Thanks for the cyber champagne. I've been very good and drunk it off-board, though in other circumstances I would have offered glasses to anyone with brickwalls, out of sheer fellow-feeling.

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 21 Jun 2005 23:44

Sarah I frequently sit in my Local Archives Centre and avidly look up people and their lives - none of them are anything remotely to do with me or anyone else I know! I just cannot help following a 'lead' - when I find a Will, for instance, I need to track down all the people on it, find out what happened to them etc. Guess I am just incredibly nosey and a time-waster, too! See you round the bend! Marjorie


Unknown Report 21 Jun 2005 23:41

Sarah Oh dear, I think you have come out of the latent and are now in the full-blown version of the genealogist syndrome. I'm afraid there is no cure and not much can even be done to alleviate the symptoms. nell


Merry Report 21 Jun 2005 23:38

Took kids to the beach after school. Sat on a bench and noticed it was commemorated to someone, and their dates were given as 1900-1985. Rushed home and looked up the death on Ancestry. This showed they were registered for birth in Q2 1900. Rushed to look them up on the 1901 census - there they were, aged 1 with parents and siblings in Southampton..... But the BIG question is......WHY???? Why was I doing that? Why did I need to know??? Is it time for the funny farm? What ''sad g*t'' thing have you done lately?? Happy Hunting! Sarah


Merry Report 21 Jun 2005 23:31

See below in a mo......