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Help . Why name change?

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Margaret Report 24 Jun 2005 15:40

Thanks Kate. I have now comfirmed with another relly that the birth cert. I received is correct and the marriage cert. has the wrong age entered.


Kate Report 24 Jun 2005 12:11

Sorry not to reply before but my home internet connection is down again and I am at the library at the moment, not for long! I asked where you got the birth cert from because if it was with your nan's stuff we could be sure it was hers, whereas if you ordered it from Southport we don't really know if you have the right one, do we? My time on the library computer is running out fast, so I don't know when I'll be back! Kate.


Margaret Report 23 Jun 2005 18:19

Thanks Sarah


Merry Report 23 Jun 2005 18:15

Re the marriage that Kate found with the missing female name. I looked on 1837online under Johnson/Johnstone, but the missing person is not either of those. Should think Kate asked where you got the birth cert as (to us who have only just come to this problem) it looks strange to have a birth cert where the age is 10 years or so adrift from the age at marriage. If the marriage said Hannah Jane Johnson aged 34 and father William Johnson, we are mybe confused as to how you know to be looking at a family with a different surname on the census returns. (I am guessing that is why she asked!!) Perhaps it's the heat? Sarah


Margaret Report 23 Jun 2005 18:09

Hi Kate Just got back on line. The birth certificate is a copy from Southport not sure why you asked as it looks like a good copy with a grey background and black hand writing I have mum Rachel and Issac james Porter living together in Ealing middlesex as married in 1881 census. I will send for that marriage cert you found for Issac it might be him and her well worth a try. Thanks again margaret


Kate Report 23 Jun 2005 14:18

Marriages Dec 1882 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Coates Nathaniel Croydon 2a 344 Cornford Amelia Elizabeth Croydon 2a 344 Porter Isaac James Croydon 2a 344 There is a female name missing from this. I wonder if it could be Rachel Johnson? If so, then she was pregnant when they got married and so it is possible that her first husband was your nan's 'natural' (i.e. biological) father but Isaac was her legal father because Rachel was married to him when she was born? Kate.


Kate Report 23 Jun 2005 14:13

Can you just confirm whether you're talking about your nan's birth certificate that she had in her things, or a copy that you have received from the GRO? Kate.


Tmwg Report 23 Jun 2005 13:53

Could there be a possibility that there were 2 children called Hannah>?? and the first one died? I know it sometimes used to happen,


Margaret Report 23 Jun 2005 13:42

Hi Tracey Her birth certificate only sayes Hannah Jane, I assume Porter as this is given names for her mum and dad. But why the age difference on Hannah's marriage? Thanks for your help.


Tmwg Report 23 Jun 2005 13:06

sorry margaret, maybe someone else can help, its very odd!

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy Report 23 Jun 2005 13:06

Was she adopted after her birth was registered? I have a couple like that. Confused the heck out of me lol Perhaps Isaac and Rachel were never married? Would explain why she had the name Johnson on the marriage. Is her birth cert Porter? That makes no sense though lol


Margaret Report 23 Jun 2005 12:57

Sorry if I did not make myself clear. My nan was born Hannah Jane Porter? as father and mother given as Porter but gave the name Hannah Jane Johnson spinster on Marriage and also the age difference.


Tmwg Report 23 Jun 2005 12:40

margaret, she would have given her current name , which was johnson, ( which was her married name,) her maiden name or birth name was beach, I have a cert, just like it!


Margaret Report 23 Jun 2005 12:37

My gran married 1907 Brentford and gave her name as Hannah Jane Johnson age 34 (from birth cert makes her 24)spinster. father William Johnson deceased. One illigitamate son named R.Johnson at time of marriage.b.1904. Her Birth certifiace as follows 1/1/1883 Brentford Fathers name Isaac James Porter.Mother Rachel Porter late Johnson formerly Beach. Found Johnson marriage 29/11/1872 but not Porter Marraige but mother living with Issaac Porter in 1881 census.stated married. Why is my nan giving wrong age and another surname from birth? We think her dad Johnson died in Africa as he was in the Cape Mounted hard evidence as yet. Hope someone can explain these 2 problems on this very hot day Margaret