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Saturation point?

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Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 30 Jun 2005 17:42

Brenda, I agree with you about the lack of contacts. Considering how many I have on my tree I would have hoped for a better response. However, the people I have been in contact with have helped where they could, with one or two exceptions. I do think the Boards are worth the the membership fee though. I have gained a lot from the Tips and Record Boards and made a couple of friends. Jean x.


Anne Report 30 Jun 2005 16:49

Can someone tell me how you know the average number of people in trees on here? I've had quite good success with contacts and have helped/been helped with photos, certificates, wills etc. Although I keep the contact's details we don't tend to keep in touch. I think many people would find it a bit offputting to have to maintain a 'meaningful relationship' with a distant rellie when many of us hardly keep in contact with full cousins! I am quite selective with contacts though - sometimes if I see a name thats a bit 'on a twig' of my tree I wouldn't bother to try and contact them but would be happy to help if they contacted me. Anne


BrianW Report 30 Jun 2005 13:24

Two and a half years ago when I started, the average number of names in trees was eleven. I think it is partly to do with the fact that new members are joining every day who, unless they upload an existing tree, will always start off with a small number. In addition there are those who, for one reason or another, retain their tree on here with only a handful (or less) of names, despite having hundreds more on their private system at home.


Heather Report 30 Jun 2005 12:38

Brenda NO! Dont you dare leave, we need the 'old' experienced hands, we have lost enough already - I dont know what I would have done, or where I would have been without people like you who helped me SO MUCH! But I do agree, I get some enthusiastic mails - send them my stuff that ties in with theirs, get one mail back, saying oh isnt it great, Ive gone back two generations now - and thats it, not a dicky bird afterwards. I really would like more people to keep in contact. I have gathered a group of about 7 people, all distant cousins (we all share GGPx4 and of that group, 3 keep in touch with any info they have gleaned, even though I mail the others with info I get. Shame really.


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 30 Jun 2005 10:18

Don't go, Brenda, we would miss you. I know what you mean about wondering if there are any more contacts to be made through this site. But for little more than the price of one certificate, it would be a shame to miss even one contact who could add just one more name. Also, personally I find that now I have been around a year or so and expanded my tree to 600 odd, more often than not I am giving information to other people, rather than the other way round. I actually enjoy doing this - perhaps I should have been a teacher after all!


Julia Report 30 Jun 2005 03:08

I only have about 2000 of my over 5000 names on here, and queries come in spurts. I can go for many months with nothing then several in a week! Because I'm so far back in my research I don't really contact others now, but a lot of newbies have found their rellies in my tree and I'm happy to help them. I've made some very good contacts, and have kept in touch regularly with at least 5 of them! Others, particularly on the tips board, have been great at pointing me in the right direction when I'm stuck. I renewed in March and will probably do so again next year.


Geraldine Report 30 Jun 2005 00:15

I've been a member of 'Friends' for about 3 years. My reason for joining GR is solely to find my adopted brother. Although I do have a small tree happening, I'm not really interested in genealogy as I have other vices Lol.... however, I do enjoy reading the tips board. Cheers Gerry


Phoenix Report 29 Jun 2005 23:49

Thank you everyone. I know I shall renew, because I value the cyber friendships I have made, enjoy the Tips Board and am grateful to everyone who posts their discovery of a new source or website. I just wish I could ration my enjoyment to an hour a day! PS Marjorie, did you see that flying pig?

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 29 Jun 2005 23:46

Brenda I have been having very similar thoughts to yours, as my membership is also due for renewal. I have had only one contact through this site and after the first, heady honeymoon days - absolutely nothing! Which is rather a shame for HIM, because I was all ready to sent photocopies of everything I have. I don't view this site as being a SERIOUS genealogical site but I do view it as being a very useful site for exchanging general information. I have had lots of help from the MEMBERS of this Site (not from the Owners of this site, they provide practically no information at all) and doubt if I would have got this far, this fast, without their invaluable and incredibly generous assistance - yourself included, Brenda! So, please don't go, its only nine quid, and we need intelligent and experienced researchers. Who knows, GR may one day listen to what is REALLY expected of a Genealogical Site and provide it. Good wishes Marjorie.

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 29 Jun 2005 23:17

It depends what you're after. I find occasional new family links, and people mostly prove reasonably communicative - in some cases outstandingly so. I have found lots of useful tips and links. I've found lots of opportunities to play with other people's puzzles. I enjoy the banter on the occasional silly threads. Christine


Merry Report 29 Jun 2005 23:14

Between myself and hubby we have about 3000+ names on our trees (about 90% our own research over 10 years+) and have been members for about 2 years. Between us we have made contact with about a dozen new rellies, but only two who have maintained contact (both hubby's Ggggrrrrrrr!) for more than a week or two. I think the boards are far more fulfilling than looking for links. Have dished out cyber champagne to a couple of people too, haven't I Brenda lol!! Happy Hunting! Sarah


Phoenix Report 29 Jun 2005 22:56

The average tree on this site has less than twenty people in it. This must mean one of the following: 1. most people who register, do so out of curiosity and never revisit 2. people don’t wish to put their trees on this site 3. most people who register are researching the 1900s. I have found a second cousin and value this contact, but response rate in general is about 1 in 5 and the information flow seems to be one way. Average tree size does not appear to have increased during my year’s membership so, statistically speaking, renewal does not seem worthwhile. What does everyone else think?


Phoenix Report 29 Jun 2005 22:55
