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Fishing for a Trout
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Christine in Herts | Report | 2 Jul 2005 23:30 |
Just a postscript on the 35 'Arsula's in 1901... I thought (whilst listening to / watching the webcast of the Eden Live8 concert) I could offer some correction messages to Ancestry for them. I worked my way through the lot(!) - along with a glass of wine, which did make it more difficult to spell correctly, towards the end. hic! One of the Arsulas was a fella! They did say he was a stepson, to be fair, but I had a look on the BMD section and found his first name was really Aquila! The transcriptions are a great help, but not when they're too adrift to be caught by soundex - or the beginning is too garbled to be caught by using the first 3 letters with a wildcard character. Christine |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 22:52 |
Marjorie, I'm beginning to think that may be what happened to her as none of my searches tonight have helped at all, though I've enjoyed the fishy banter on here :-) |
An Olde Crone | Report | 2 Jul 2005 22:48 |
Judith Probably not much use at all but don't forget that Children's Homes, Orphanages etc were vigorously exporting children to the Colonies at this time. Marjorie |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 20:40 |
Hope she didn't get battered :-) Seriously, there was a family named Codd in Barrow in earlier years so Maggie probably was part of that family. PS In view of the 1891 mistranscription I just tried a search for 'Arsula' in 1901. I didn't turn up Miss Trout but there were 35 of them throughout England! |
Merry | Report | 2 Jul 2005 19:46 |
I could do you some Chips (William and Elizabeth) but none were born in Barrow like Miss Codd! Funny - Maggie/Margaret Codd isn't on the other census returns, but no one would change their name to Codd when they were Trout before?? Or would they?? lol. Maybe she didn't like Ursula either? Sarah |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 19:41 |
Thanks Sarah, now all I need is the chips! |
Merry | Report | 2 Jul 2005 19:34 |
Sorry, but you don't think someone was having a laugh, do you?? lol 1901: Maggie M Codd abt 1877 Barrow, Suffolk, England Servant Lewisham London Couldn't resist that!! Sarah |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 18:58 |
Sorry folks, I was sidetracked by a message from someone through GR who turns out to be a relation on another branch altogether but I'm back now and grateful for your input . I'll print off what you've given me so far and take up your idea of following up those deaths. |
Sheleen | Report | 2 Jul 2005 17:29 |
Yes, I noticed 'Arsula' too... quite funny. I have found a few names in my family tree that make me smile.. something along the lines of 'Herbert A Trout'. As a statement, thats pretty funny in a cute way. **UPDATE** Have been playing around with ancestry again.... Putting in Ursula Mary, no surname... deaths 1886 +/- 5 years... there are quite few considering... a lot of Mary Ursula... but a lot fewer Ursula Mary's. Not am easy task by any means... but possibly worth a go? |
Christine in Herts | Report | 2 Jul 2005 17:24 |
I've been playing on Ancestry too. And lost a bit of time to submitting corrections (Finbow transcribed as Trobow! etc). I noticed that Ursula was transcribed as Arsula(!) in the 1891 census - I submitted a correction for that, too. But I couldn't find her on 1901, either. The elimination idea is certainly worth a try - although you will need to allow for these mistranscriptions, I'm afraid. Christine |
Sheleen | Report | 2 Jul 2005 17:07 |
Okay, this really is fishing... BUT How about putting Ursula Mary born Suffolk 1878 into ancestry (leaving out surname altogether)... and then cross-referencing to delete the ones that appear in all other census other than 1901. this could (though by no means definately) determine if she got married, and what her married name may be. I started... Ursula M Smith appears in 1881, 1891, and 1901 census... so not her Ursula M Newson appears in 1891 and 1901 census ... not her. Ursula M Kent... not her. Ursula M Cornahm... can't be her either. Uppleby, Sillet, Copping, Rose and Crane are also out. If none are left, you could assume that she may have passed away... but at least you've narrowed your search on 1837online or whichever BMD database you use. |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 16:46 |
Thanks for that Deborah. Shirley was Ursula's sister. I had found her on the GRO death index but its great to have the burial info to add to the tree. |
Deborah | Report | 2 Jul 2005 16:17 |
Hi Judith Had a look on NBI 1 but no Ursula , may be something on NBI2 . What was on there which may be connected to your Trouts was Shirley Trout buried 31 Dec 1879 aged 5 in Suffolk, Barrow, All Saints Deborah |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 13:14 |
Anyone like to cast a fresh look at this? I am looking for Ursula Mary Trout on the 1901 census. She was my third cousin twice removed so I suppose I shouldn’t worry too much about tracing her but she ought to be easy to find with a name like that! I have her birth in the 2nd quarter of 1878 and she appeared on the 1881 census in Barrow Suffolk with her parents. Both her parents, Henry Trout and Sarah Ann nee Wright, died in 1888 and on the 1891 census Ursula turns up in a children’s home in Edgeworth, Lancashire. (not sure why there, except her mother had some cousins who lived in Lancashire) I have found most of her siblings in 1901, all bar one who I believe died as a young child and one who was in the army but whose wife and children were at home in Bury St Edmunds. Ursula doesn’t seem to have been visiting any of her siblings or relations in 1901. I can’t find a marriage or death for her on Freebmd between 1891 and 1901 (yes I know she could be there but not transcribed yet) I have tried searching by just first name, by place of birth, by mistranscriptions (Tront is a favourite one) but have probably missed one of the obvious searches as I have been going round in circles. I see someone here on GR has her father Henry and brother Egbert in their tree but as Ursula isn’t listed I guess they won’t be able to help me with her. Would any of you like to see if you can succeed where I have failed? Thanks Judith |
Judith | Report | 2 Jul 2005 13:12 |
See below for the bait I've used so far |