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Death cert help again please!

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Unknown Report 7 Jul 2005 23:51

Got a death cert today where the cause is PARSHPIS 1yr. Anyone any ideas??? Can't find anything on google. Thanks Lou


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2005 00:21

Cat I am afraid I can't help, no idea what it means, but I had to tell you I felt for you as its rotten if you wait for cert and then don't know what it means. But will ask about tomorrow and if I get any further will post a message for you. What a shame, Glynis in Scotland

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 8 Jul 2005 00:22

Cannot find this one, do you think the registrar wrote it down incorrectly? The site I use to look terms up is http://www(.)antiquusmorbus(.)com/English/English.htm Jo


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2005 00:27

Thanks both of you I was actually wondering whether it should say PARALYSIS. The guy lived to be 98 so that wouldn't be a major surprise. It's clearly spelt parshpis on the cert so hoped it might be a strange disease I'd not heard of before! Lou


Heather Report 8 Jul 2005 08:08

I thought he had eaten too many parsnips.


Heather Report 8 Jul 2005 08:27

Yes, I thought we were resurrecting our amusing deaths there! 'A surfeit of parsnips'.


Merry Report 8 Jul 2005 09:37

If you got the cert from the GRO, maybe it would be worth contacting the local reg office where the cert was first issued. If you give tham the subdistrict name and the date of registration etc it should be fairly easy for them to look at the original. Might be spelled correctly on that one!! All my oldies say ''decay'' lol Sarah


Aran Report 8 Jul 2005 09:52

Pars is Latin for 'part'. I know that doesn't help much... Can you scan it and upload it to some web space so we can all have a look? Maybe one of us might read it slightly differently.


Unknown Report 9 Jul 2005 00:51

Thanks for the suggestions, the idea that he OD'd on veg is one I'd not considered! Its a handwritten cert from Essex so I've already phoned them and queried it but apparantly that is what is says in the entry! Lou


Ted Report 9 Jul 2005 16:22

Cat, I know what it is, TB. The Registrar spelt it wrong, it should read PHTHISIS, think thats the way you spell it. My g/grandfather and his son both died of it. One was a builder and the other a grocers assistant. I can understand how the builder got it but not a grocers assistant. TED.


jumarcat Report 9 Jul 2005 17:00

I was thinking it looked like partial paralysis 1 year. Any help? Ann


Unknown Report 9 Jul 2005 19:16

My first thought is that it might be phthisis (TB) but as you are sure the first bit says para then it might be paralysis. I think this could be a way of saying that he died of a stroke. nell


Unknown Report 9 Jul 2005 21:23

Thanks everyone I'm inclined to agree with Martin/Nell and everyone else who suggested it that it should say paralysis cos looking more closely underneath, he also had bronchitis. It definitely says ***** 1yr, I can't see him suffering from TB for a year before it finally finished him off. I suspect he had paralysis and then got bronchitis although 'Death by Vegetables' would have made an interesting one for the file! Lou