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Manchester Cathedral Marriage (LIMITED) Lookups of

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TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 29 Jul 2005 18:19

Wow, Ged, thank you so very much. Just goes to show what a little lateral thinking does. Thomas Ralphs (the witness) was my 3 x g-grandfather, and Henry Lane's brother-in-law. So now I have the name of the father of my g-g-g grandmother, Henry's sister! Many many thanks. Tina


Gerard Report 26 Jul 2005 12:32

1838 Marriage Solemnized in The Coll&Parish Church of Manchester in the County of Lancaster 7th June. Henry LANE,Full Age,Bachelor,Foundryman,Oldham Rd.Father,William LANE,Coaldealer & Ann MAYBURY,Full Age,Spinster,6 Long Millgate.father,William MAYBURY, Chair Maker.Married....after Banns... Henry signed,Ann marked.Witnesses Margaret MAYBURY & Thos RALPHS Ged


Sheila Report 22 Jul 2005 23:38

Hi Tina Wish I could have helped you out, but if you have access to a local Family History Library (LDS) you can order the film yourself. It takes about 4 weeks to arrive from Salt Lake and is a minimal cost ($5 here in Canada). Much cheaper than ordering a cert. Best of luck. Sheila


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 22 Jul 2005 19:13

Never mind, Sheila, thank you for the thought anyway. Tina Whoops, forgot to change my name back before I posted this!


Sheila Report 14 Jul 2005 23:09

Hi Tina, I'm at the library on Saturday am. Hope to get a chance to look up your request then. If not, Tuesday at the latest. Sheila Addendum: July 20, 2005. Hi Tina. I'm sorry but I had ordered the film you requested in March 2004, but had forgotten that I did not renew it. I hadn't realized that until I went to look for it and it was missing. I apologise. Sheila


Judith Report 13 Jul 2005 20:11

That's great Sheila, My gt gt grandfather was George Pickford Smith, born around 1805/1806 in Manchester , father William, so I have high hopes that this couple are his parents. Interestingly George became a grocer too. I have messaged you about the image. Thanks a lot Judith


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 13 Jul 2005 20:01

Sheila Please could you look up the following marriage for me: Henry Lane to Ann Maybury on 7 June 1838 Film No 438199 Thank you very much Tina


Sheila Report 13 Jul 2005 18:30

Hi Judith M. Here are the details of the marriage as requested: Manchester cathedral, FHL film 438188, 1806, pg 32 No. 77 William SMITH of this parish, town of Manch, grocer, and Amelia PICKFORD of Manchester, spinster, were married in this church by banns pub'd Dec 8, 15, & 22, 1805 this sixteenth day of January in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six by me: Jos. Brookes. This marriage was solemnized by us{Wm Smith, Amelia Pickford (both signed) in the presence of { Isaac Chantler, William Shaw (both names appear frequently as witnesses). If you wish a copy of the image, email me offlist by clicking on the link to my name and sending a message. I hope this what you were hoping to find. Sheila j


Ann Report 12 Jul 2005 20:39

Hi Sheila Thanks for that anyway. Ann


Sheila Report 12 Jul 2005 18:31

Hi Jeanie, Since Manchester Cathedral was one of the few churchs lawfully permitted to perform marriages during a certain time period, people came from many surrounding areas to be married there, not just from the town of Manchester. Having said that, the ones I have seen seem to be primarily from within a reasonable traveling distance from Manchester itself, what would now be considered the Greater Manchester area. Sheila


Sheila Report 11 Jul 2005 17:55

Hello Judith, I will be going to the FHL tomorrow and will look up that reference for you. Sheila


Sheila Report 11 Jul 2005 17:53

Sorry Ann, Cannot look up your request as you can see by my posting that the film number you noted is not one that I have access to. Sheila


Judith Report 8 Jul 2005 22:45

I'd be grateful if you would look up William SMITH m Amelia PICKFORD 16 Jan 1806 film 438188 Thanks Judith


Ann Report 8 Jul 2005 22:29

Please will you look at the following for me. JAMES FITZSIMENS, SHOULD READ FITZSIMMONS. CATHARINE HILTON 2ND MARCH 1856 SOURCE CALL NO. 0438218, 0438219, I dont know what information it shows, but as much info as you can would be appreciated. Thanks for your help. Ann


Sheila Report 8 Jul 2005 21:33

I am offering to do lookups of marriages which took place at Manchester Cathedral, however, I have access to a LIMITED number of films covering various periods of time, so feel free to contact me IF, and only if, the marriages took place during the following time frames. Please provide the names of the bride and groom and full date as indexed on the IGI and include the LDS film reference when making your request. 1666-1775 LDS film 438184 1796-1802 LDS film 438187 1803-1806 LDS film 438188 1807-1812 LDS film 438189 1813-1816 LDS film 438190 1849 LDS film 438211 1859 LDS film 438221 1875-1910 LDS film 438237 Sheila Canada