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help needed please 2
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Ann | Report | 11 Jul 2005 00:09 |
hi sarah thank you so much for those marriages i may be able to trace g father through a previous marriage heres hoping best ann |
Merry | Report | 9 Jul 2005 22:55 |
So, if they didn't get together until 1919ish, he was about 40 years? I would think it very likely he had been married too. (says I, who has several first-time-grooms on my tree well into their 50's!!) I got a list of marriages, 1901-1918 from Family Relatives for marriages of any Ernest Perkins. Some have middle names, so don't know if you can exclude those?? You may not be able to use the list at all at the mo, but maybe keep it somewhere in case of ''further developments'' lol No Surname Forename1 Forename2 Spouse District Page No Event Quarter Year 1 Perkins Ernest Gilbert Bedford.3b 964 Marriage 3 1915 2 Perkins Ernest Simmons Edmonton.3a 914 Marriage 1 1915 3 Perkins Ernest Emery Fareham.2b 1039 Marriage 1 1913 4 Perkins Ernest E Ellis Hendon.3a 581 Marriage 2 1913 5 Perkins Ernest G Cooper Hendon.3a 839 Marriage 2 1915 6 Perkins Ernest W Bussingham Huntingdon.3b 655 Marriage 4 1914 7 Perkins Ernest James Isle Of Wight.2b 954 Marriage 1 1907 8 Perkins Ernest H Cannam Kettering.3b 407 Marriage 3 1912 9 Perkins Ernest Newport Pagnell.3a 2016 Marriage 3 1907 10 Perkins Ernest Betts Northampton.3b 214 Marriage 3 1914 11 Perkins Ernest Oundle.3b 486 Marriage 2 1906 12 Perkins Ernest R Turner Uxbridge.3a 127 Marriage 4 1915 13 Perkins Ernest Benjamin Windsor.2c 939 Marriage 2 1908 Good Luck Sarah |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 21:03 |
hi pat thank you grandmother was still with her first husband till 1916 began living with g father painters lane sutton ely cambs early 1919 my father born dec 1919 followed by thee other sons ann |
Merry | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:57 |
When was their first child born? Sarah |
Gypsy | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:54 |
Can you give us any details about grandmother? Have you located her in 1901? Pat |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:50 |
hi twinkle thank you checked trade directories can find nothing under painters and decorators as grandmother was still married to her first husband (seperated)fathers name ommited from birth certs ann |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:44 |
hi kath thank you will check those out see what turns up ann |
Twinkle | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:42 |
Journeyman refers to someone who was not a 'master' of their trade. I have only ever seen it used to describe younger men, who had finished their apprenticeship but who were still employed by someone else. Perhaps he changed trade? Would you be able to find trade directories (maybe at historicaldirectories(.)com) for painters and decorators. I don't know how likely it is that small firms kept their records from that long ago. Do you have any of his children's birth certs, as it might show his occupation as something else? |
Merry | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:40 |
Nothing like sign writer either in 1901. Also none living or born in Worthing, or anywhere in Sussex. Sarah |
KathleenBell | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:37 |
If the age at death was right he could be any one of these births from 1879 and first qtr of 1880:- June qtr. 1879 Ernest Albert Perkins, Windsor, 2c, 434 Ernest Edward Perkins, Romford, 4a, 214 Sept. qtr. 1879 Ernest Frank Perkins, Winchester, 2c, 109 Dec. qtr. 1879 Ernest Albert Perkins, Williton, 5c, 279 March. qtr. 1880 Ernest Perkins, Wellingbro', 3b, 155 Ernest Alfred T., Hackney, 1b, 588 Kath. x |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:33 |
sarah always beleived he was a sign writer but thats proberly the same as painter and decorator ann |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:30 |
hi sarah i have no other information other than death cert and a vauge recollection from a family member poss connection to a place called worthing ann |
Merry | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:27 |
I've looked on the Nat Archives version of 1901 census for men within three years of his age, as that site indexes the occupations. Nothing like painter and decorator, unfortunately. You don't know if he ever did any other work, by any chance?? Sarah |
Merry | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:23 |
Do you know if he was ever married to anyone else? Sarah |
Ann | Report | 9 Jul 2005 20:19 |
i would like to apologise to all who responded to my earlier posting been having a few technical difficulties(all fixed now)so if anyone still willing to help, g father not married to g mother have death cert,ernest perkins 14 01 1933 sutton ely cambridgeshire age at death 53 occupation painter decorator, he wasent a local man how can i find his place of birth would be glad of any help best ann. |