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Oh Gawd,what's happened now?
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An Olde Crone | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:16 |
Have two new messages, which I have managed to read (after some delay, I might add). However, they do not display the usual 'REPLY' button, merely a Happy Genes Error message at the bottom. Temporary glitch or is this part of the improvements? Old Crone |
Mystified | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:18 |
I've been getting that most of the day. I think it's a glich with GR |
Merry | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:18 |
It's part of the improvements!! There are a few messages appearing on the Tips board, along the lines of, ''Hope X reads this as there was no Reply button on your message'' It's pleasing to know that the staff at GR are still ''happy'' and they are the ones being paid, whilst, we, the ones doing the paying are grinding our teeth in fury lol !! Sarah |
The Bag | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:19 |
It is one of the ...erm...'Improvements' but hopefully only a short lived one (they did say this might be the case on 'the other board') Jess |
An Olde Crone | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:25 |
Sorry everyone, I posted my fume before I read through the boards. Glad its not just me they are picking on - are 'THEY' aware of this little drawback, do you think? Old Crone |
Joy | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:52 |
I reported it this morning and was told it would be passed to the technical team - along with ''1 new message'' being shown although there is no new message because I have read it but it is being shown as unread!! Joy |
The Bag | Report | 15 Jul 2005 18:53 |
There you go, cut and pasted just for you (*load of old tosh ....') Genes Reunited site upgrade Hello, We apologise for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the site over the last few days. Our technical team will be putting in an upgrade in tomorrow morning. They have been working very hard over the last few days to identify and resolve the problems that some people have experienced with the site and the message boards in particular. Unfortunately this process takes a little time and a lot of testing, so please bear with us while we seek to improve things. This ongoing work means that message board postings will not show on the Tree Matches page for the next few days. This upgrade also introduces some items requested by members such as clearer explanations of tree permissions on the Contacts Page, alterations to gedcom upload processes, a new way of saving place of birth data on the tree builder and some new features on Tree Matches. Regards, The Genes Team They dont do papargraphs either!! |
Merry | Report | 15 Jul 2005 19:03 |
As the GR team keep reminding us of what a SMALL team they are - who thinks they should have NAMES??? I would like to know the names of the people in the techy team and the abuse team etc. Don't you think it would be so much more personal if we could write: Dear Fred, I am p****d off again with this problem....etc What do you think?? Sarah |
Granny | Report | 15 Jul 2005 19:08 |
Hi, I am also getting that, which means that I cannot contact anyone, any suggestions? |
Granny | Report | 15 Jul 2005 19:12 |
Sorry, I have now read the lot, and see that there are a lot of suggestions. I like the one about dear fred p..... off, or words to that effect, that is how I feel at the moment. I only get on here on Friday and Saturday evenings, so I am not going to get much done this weekend. Oh well, these things are sent to try us! That's my moan for the day. |
An Olde Crone | Report | 15 Jul 2005 19:18 |
Jess Thanks for the cut and paste...think I read all that a few days ago, but it doesnt say anything about not being able to reply to messages LOL. On reflection, I think its part of a plot to A) Stop us privately messaging each other with subversive talk and B) To boost the number of posts on the somewhat flagging Tips Board. I am just off to see if I can reply by clicking on the Mesagee's name and doing it directly that way, rather than going through 'My Messages' I agree, as they are such a small team (why are they such a small team?) they should have names we can use, even if they wish to adopt the Call Centre habit of giving people false names, so no irate customer can get at them! GR are still exhorting me daily to renew my subs....erm, not at the moment folks. Olde Crone Olde Crone |
The Bag | Report | 15 Jul 2005 21:08 |
Dont you dare not renew Old Crone.What would we do without you? Your humour never ceases to amaze me! As a newbie i was very in awe of you, i'll have you know, 'scared' i think is possibly nearer the truth! jess x |
An Olde Crone | Report | 15 Jul 2005 23:07 |
Jess You must have mixed me up with someone one has EVER been in awe of me and no one has EVER been frightened of me, not even my kids when I used to go off on one, screaming like a fishwife. Even the dog laughed at me. Olde Crone(who is, however, getting a bit fed up of having to be humble all the time.....) |