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Is Genes Reunited guilty of false representation?

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Jennifer Report 16 Jul 2005 13:55

CB 1801 was not a typing error. There were many census prior to 1841, but they were mainly head counts with no names given, in a few cases a more detailed census was taken in some places. If you look on the Records Board you will see I am offering searches of Sturminstaer Newton, Dorset in 1801, this gives names, marital status and occupations, a God Send for those of us with ancestors in that place. Jennifer


Unknown Report 16 Jul 2005 11:32

Some valid points have been made about this site regarding where the info actually comes from, but let's remember that we wouldn't be able to to exchange family or other info and views if GR didn't exist. I too 'wandered' onto GR from FR and have found it a useful forum, enabling me to contact others and, initially, gain lots of family data. Later on, through things I've learned from GR and its members, I've found other FH sites, as well as sites of general interest to do with my ancestors' occupations, etc. I think GR is good value for money - or at least it used to be. For the past month, using the site has been very 'hit or miss', and there have been far too many 'misses' for me. I've ended up with a tree full of errors and am not prepared to upload a corrected version until I can be sure the site is operating as it should. My membership expires later this month and, unless there's a drastic improvement, I won't be renewing it. BTW, I think the '1801 Census' referred to above is actually a typing error - it should probably read '1891 Census' - a mis-hit of adjacent keys. CB >|<


Pat Report 16 Jul 2005 00:01

Well Said Old Crone there is FIRE in the old Holden still LOL. This Old Holden feels exactly the same as you ;-) Pat x


Merry Report 15 Jul 2005 23:57

Olde Crone, That last bit reminds me of the saying, ''If you want something done, ask someone who's busy'' and could add, ''If you want something done, ask someone who isn't being paid to find out'' lol Sarah

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 15 Jul 2005 23:33

Glynis I too wandered onto this Site, lured from Friends Reunited, thinking I could trace my Ancestors on you, I felt 'done' when I found out I actually couldn't! I became a full member, and stayed, simply because of the fantastic, unstinting help I have had from the PAYING MEMBERS of this Site. Should they all leave, I will follow them to whatever Cyber-Pub they set up, and confidently expect to get just as much help from them - they will take their knowledge and expertise with them and there will be nowt left on this Site except a list of rather dodgy names and dates. I even saw a message posted the other day addressed to the GR Team, from an obvious Newbie wanting info on her family. I wonder how disappointed she was when she realised that its the Members who do the work, not the GR Team. Olde Crone


Unknown Report 15 Jul 2005 22:31

When I was on Friends reunited ages ago they made it sound like go on Genes and trace ancestors, for some reason I felt pretty gullible (spelling?) when I came on and found I really couldn't

Kim from Sandhurst

Kim from Sandhurst Report 15 Jul 2005 22:30

Brenda, Sorry, but I have never found this site to have any records since day one. The members have family history and records which they share, but not GR. So it is down to us, as individuals to research parish records and if we find 'anything' share our findings. Kim


Phoenix Report 15 Jul 2005 22:15

On the other hand, it does confirm my suspicion that this site is pretty rubbish for family history pre 1801.


Unknown Report 15 Jul 2005 22:02

That does make sense but I think the way they word it sometimes is a bit misleading, as I thought you would get more from Genes too, but had to do ancestrey.


CelticShiv Report 15 Jul 2005 21:17

What you are seeing is in relation to the ad for ancestry on genes reunited. So if you look at it this way the 1861 to 1891 census is accessible by clicking on it through this site and being taken to the ancestry website. But of course you have to have a subscription to use ancestry. Hope that makes sense.


Geoff Report 15 Jul 2005 20:47

Jennifer - I don't think so - I just put '1841 census' in to Google; this time I got Find Census Information Find Census Information Dating back to 1801 at Genes Reunited Online. In the 'sponsored links' section on the right; GR (or someone) must have added the linking words - they don't just happen!


Margaret Report 15 Jul 2005 20:45

Geoff, For some reason I keep thinking 'Trades Description Act' Jennifer, I don't think so! Are you saying that Google has access to the Message Board on Genes Reunited? I hope not - unless they're fully paid up members. Besides which, what I saw, basically, was an advert - stating quite clearly 'sponsored by Genes Reunited'. If they're sponsoring, then they are paying. They are paying with OUR money and advertising a facility that they do not have. M. Steer


Jennifer Report 15 Jul 2005 20:27

Margaret, There is no misrepresentation, all that is happenning is that Google is picking up on the many references to to the 1841 Census on these message boards. Geoff, The same has happened with my posting of the 1801 Census . Jennifer


Geoff Report 15 Jul 2005 19:43

'Online Census Information Visit Genes Reunited and Trace Your Family Back to the Census of 1801.' Hmmm .... must try it sometime.


Margaret Report 15 Jul 2005 19:27

Whilst googling this afternoon - looking for 1841 Census - at the top and bottom of every page was '1841 Census Records at Genes Reunited'. I couldn't find them, in fact I couldn't find any Census Records on Genes Reunited but maybe I'm thick If you know different, please tell me. M. Steer