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Enumeration District - Help please - Salford.

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Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 2 Aug 2005 04:08

You can search the 1881 census by street on Ancestry, then find someone on there who was still there in 1871. I did this and found that Wheathill Street, Salford starts at the following pages in 1871 (odd house numbers are on a different piece to the even ones): Odd numbers: RG10/4019 folio 181 page 37 Even numbers: RG10/4020 folio 18 page 29 Good luck! Richard


Elaine Report 1 Aug 2005 23:28

Dea Did they get married before or after the 1871 census month??? OR were they staying with friends or in lodgings perhaps? Do the witnesses on the certificate give you any clues, have you searched for them? Have you searched for their parents houses? I think sometimes the address on the marriage cert was a temporary one for the wedding. Let me know if I can help with anything else. Elaine


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 19:28

Just spent hours going through every page of all the 39 districts. I didn't find them - THEY LIED !!! SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo FRUSTRATED !!! Dea. Thanks to all for your help - I think I'll go to bed!! Dea xxx


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 17:55

Thanks Elaine, I went back into 1901 - YOU LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY !!! - Above the page I noticed it said Greengate - District 16 !!!!!. Anyway, it doesn't really help YET as in 1871 district 16 doesn't seem to be the same one. Anyway, it is a useful find as until YOU told me it was in Greengate I hadn't a clue and it would have saved me a lot of time earlier if I had noticed. I'l have to go back and go through all the Greengate ones again. Thanks for your help. Dea x


Elaine Report 1 Aug 2005 17:31

Hi Dea I've found it on the map. I't an L shaped street running north from Dean Road to St Simon Street and then west to Sandford Street, Close to Blackfriars Road. Don't know if this helps at all. Elaine


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 17:25

Hi Elaine, Thank you so much for lookin at this for me. All I know is that in 1871 on a marriage certificate, both people were down as living in Wheathill Street. I haven't been able to find them again until 1881 when they were living elsewhere. I found Wheathill Street (I think in the 1901 - ref RG13/3730 - but of course neither of the names were still there and I can't trace any of the 1901 residents' names back to 1871 to find the street. The 1901 census did, however, tell me that the street was in Trinity Ward, St. Matthias Parish. I will go back to 1901 and see if there are any other street names nearby. Thanks, Dea


Elaine Report 1 Aug 2005 17:17

Dea. On Ancestry, if you go to 1871 census, click on Lancashire in the counties list, then select Salford, you get a choice of Broughton, Regent Road or Greengate. Click on Greengate as St Matthias ward and parish are in Greengate. I then went to the enumeration districts. I started with District 20 and checked each one to District 26 al cover part of St Matthias parish, but so far not found your street, but there may be more to check. Which census did you find the street on originally and who are we looking for? I'll look on the map now but that is after 1871 and this was a growing area. Any other clues eg bigger roads close by? Let me know if you find it.


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 14:19

Thanks Elaine - I did put the street name with the other info but it is 'Wheathill Street' Thanks, Dea x


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 14:18

Thanks Christine - the other census ref I have is: RG 13/3730 I know I'm a bit thick but which bit of the reference is the district number? Dea. x

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 1 Aug 2005 13:42

If you have someone in the same street in another census, you may find that the district number is the same - or close. Worth a try, anyway. Christine


Elaine Report 1 Aug 2005 13:37

Hi Dea Just checked a district at random. District 20 seems to have some of St Matthias in. So perhaps try that one and those either side. Do you have the street name as I have maps of the area. I'm just off out, but will be back in an hour or so. Elaine


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 12:20

I want to find a particular street in the 1871 census and I know that I can search by enumeration district but I don't know which district I need and there are LOTS. I have the street on a later census: Wheathill Street - Administrative County - Lancashire, Civil Parish - Salford Ecclesiastical Parish - St. Matthias County Borough - Salford, Ward - Trinity Ward, Parliamentary Div. - North Salford. With all this information, surely there is a way to get to it on other census's. Can anyone help? Thanks, Dea


Dea Report 1 Aug 2005 12:20

see below: