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IGI Batch numbers, explain please

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Tmwg Report 8 Aug 2005 13:00

Thanks Joan, will give that a go


Joan Report 8 Aug 2005 08:27

If you put in the batch number, surname and parents' names, you will be closer to getting siblings...then dates sort them. Joan


Tmwg Report 7 Aug 2005 18:07

yes robin, thats My Lot!!! census ages are a bit odd, but Mary was christened at 3 years old if were going by the first census!along with ellen by 1901 and a widow mary is aged 43 or 46, she then went on to have 2 more children!


Montmorency Report 7 Aug 2005 14:11

or maybe not. David and Elizabeth are only 63 and 58 in 1871


Montmorency Report 7 Aug 2005 14:07

Mary was a bit older than that, it was a late christening, same time as her sister Ellen 1861 Census Name / Age / Birthplace / Relationship / Township / County David Davies / 55 / Pwllheli, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Head / Abererch / Caernarvonshire / Gamekeeper & Huntsman Elizabeth Davies / 51 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Wife / Abererch / Caernarvonshire John Davies / 12 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Son / Abererch / Caernarvonshire Anne Davies / 10 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Daughter / Abererch / Caernarvonshire Lewis Davies / 8 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Son / Abererch / Caernarvonshire Mary Davies / 6 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Daughter / Abererch / Caernarvonshire Ellen Davies / 4 / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Daughter / Abererch / Caernarvonshire David Davies / 4 mo / Abererch, Caernarvonshire, Wales / Son / Abererch / Caernarvonshire (4 month old baby at 51!)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 7 Aug 2005 12:50

I think you should remember that not all batches are complete. I have a marriage cert for a relative from a small village in 1858 but even though the records cover that year for marriages in the village, my record is not included, but I have seen it in the original register. So if you do not find it, you may need to check the original. Jo


Tmwg Report 7 Aug 2005 09:14

Thanks Martin, Its a fairly small area, and only 2 different parents turn up called Davies, unfortunately both first names are David! but I have found my Mary born to David davies,(wife Eliza) could not find her born to the other David Davies (and wife Anne) so am pretty sure it 'could' be her, tho she would have been about 15/16 at the time...........


Martin Report 7 Aug 2005 09:00

Quite often when you search on a surname using a Batch number then you will find a lot of possible family members. You still have to prove that they are related but it can give you a useful start. This is particularly so in rural areas where everyone with a surname in a village is probably related. I am sure others have warned you but beware of any 'Members' Submissions' on the IGI. These can be very unreliable. MB


Tmwg Report 6 Aug 2005 20:04

Thanks Robin for that,


Montmorency Report 6 Aug 2005 14:33

as for whether she's yours, the batch number doesn't help much, but the Source Call link tells you which document the entry came from, and the film number to order to see the film at an LDS centre. This might have useful extra information. The other thing you can do is search the batch for any other family that she might belong to. This being Wales, there are very likely to be other families in the same parish with the same surname.


Tmwg Report 6 Aug 2005 12:24

Thanks Christine

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 6 Aug 2005 12:19

If you're using the IGI, and have a good idea of which parish you need, then this site is likely to be useful (remove the Return, which I put in to stop the thread getting over-wide)... http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb. com/~hughwallis/IGIBatchNumbers/CountryEngland.htm#PageTitle I have found that there are one or two batch numbers missing, but if you guess right, then you can overwrite an offered batch-number with your guess and get a result (as I have done). Christine PS - particularly useful if you have a common name to research, but a specific parish.


Tmwg Report 6 Aug 2005 12:15

Thanks Brenda, if this is an unknown daughter of My mary, I think she may have died, as she went on to marry and had another daughter and called her the same?


Phoenix Report 6 Aug 2005 12:10

Batches numbers beginning C, M or P should be straight transcriptions from parish records, so more likely to be accurately recorded. You can test this by searching simply on the batch number and seeing what comes up. Occasionally, particularly in Norfolk, it will be a very strange collection of items from all over the place.


Tmwg Report 6 Aug 2005 12:04

can someone explain to me the significance of batch numbers please, On IGI for example I have found the christenings for most of one of my families, giving the batch number as CO81591 but I have found another , same batch number, and 'could be' an unknown daughter of My Mary, if you get me! help decipher please!