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Stuck AGAIN--help

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Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:23

Trying to find the marriage of John Yates born about 1820 and Jane born about 1819. In 1861 census they are living in Chorley Lancashire. John was born Blackburn Lancashire, Jane was born Scotland ( I have that info also in one of childrens birth certs). However, on the birth cert it says Janes maiden name Merchant, on Familysearch I have found a marriage 1840 John Yates and Jane Marshall. Help please to find the marriage. Gloria x


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:31

Gloria There's this on Ancestry civil reg, but unfortunately the bride's name hasn't been transcribed: Name: YATES, John Record Type: Marriages Quarter: September Year: 1840 District: Chorley County: Lancashire Volume: 21 Page: 186 nell


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:37

Thanks Nell, don't know what I do about that now. They seem to be elusive as I have them on 1861 but cannot find them later--probably gone to Scotland. They have a son Yates Yates who is my reli and I have him until 1891. Thanks for your help Gloria x


Dea Report 8 Aug 2005 13:37

There is a marriage John Yates to Jane Marshall on Lancs bmd for 1840 at Leyland, St. Andrews - registered Preston. Dea


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:42

Dea, thats the one I found on familysearch, I just wonder if its a transcription error, either on the marriage cert or the sons birth cert. Suppose it is possible but how would I find out? Gloria x

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy Report 8 Aug 2005 13:44

Gloria, I just had another look on ScotlandsPeople. There are no Merchants, but there are a couple of Marshalls. If you order the cert for 1840, you can check the father against the birth records.


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:45

Good idea Tracy Thanks Gloria


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:47

Dea, just looked it up on Lancsbmd, if I go to Preston records office with the ref number will I be able to look at the original document? Gloria x


Phoenix Report 8 Aug 2005 13:49

When was the first child born? And where? Family search suggests that there is a whole family of Marshalls in Leyland, so that marriage in 1840 may be a red herring unless you can prove any connection between them and your Jane. It is possible that John married twice and both wives were called Jane. Do you have a birth certificate for the oldest child? Have you found the family on any census before 1861? It is quite a leap from 1861 to 1840, and there is always the possibility that since Jane travelled, John may have done so too and both of them married away from their birthplaces.


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:54

Hi Brenda, I have the birth cert for Yates Yates who was born 1845. Other siblings on 1861 range from 1841---1851. Don't get the feeling he was married before because of their ages. I have John as being born in Blackburn and living in Chorley in 1861, they are within 20 miles of each other. Gloria x


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 13:56

Sorry Brenda, forgot, first child was born in Chorley along with all the others. Gloria


Phoenix Report 8 Aug 2005 14:01

Freebmd coverage charts aren't working at the moment, but you would need to check all the John Yates before plumping for this marriage as the certificate may not help you without other corroboration.


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2005 14:03

Thanks Brenda Gloria x