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How common was it........
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Yvonne | Report | 10 Aug 2005 13:21 |
Ive had that problem as well, and the wost thing in my tree is that they constantly named their children after their brothers and sisters, just repeating the same names over and over again. The other thing Ive found is that the mothers maiden name was used into one her sons or daughters name ie. my ggrandfather, His mothers maiden name was Willis so he was called Edward Willis Burrows, Ive got loads like this, the good thing about it is I can easily find the mothers maiden name. Confusing! its been headache after headache. LOL Regards Yvonne |
Barbara | Report | 10 Aug 2005 01:15 |
A while back I transcribed a few pages of the 1901 Canadian census. There were a few household that had more than one LIVING child named Mary. Talk about confusing! Barbara |
Lisa J in California | Report | 9 Aug 2005 17:08 |
In my case, several lines carried names on for generations. With the exception of a female ancestor 'in the middle', I have 6 generations of William (possibly more, can't go back any further). Some families tended to carry on names; I've seen a thread here showing the 'procedure' (first son named after....second son named after, etc.) I think my ancestors tended to use the name 'again' if it was a name that was handed down. |
Unknown | Report | 9 Aug 2005 16:35 |
Fairly common. I have instances in both sides of my family and the second child was usually the next birth after the death of the first child with that name. I have, and I know others have, families with two members called Eliza and Elizabeth, or Harry and Henry for example. Sometimes its a way of preserving the family name, as it was traditional to name children after their parents and grandparents. I think sometimes it might have been a way - pre-photographs & videos - of remembering the dead child. nell |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 9 Aug 2005 16:30 |
Hi Carole I asked the same thing a few weeks ago, I must have deleted the thread. It was quite common, I had about 20 replies. I have a few in my tree I found by visiting a grave. I would never have known if it wasn't for that. I have one who died aged 7 then 5 yrs later he had one named after him. Somebody else who is on the same family as me has the dead one married! I have sent her a few messages but had no reply. Marion |
Carole | Report | 9 Aug 2005 15:22 |
Some of mine were considerate in that the Williams all had Francis as middle name,so I usually know Im on the right track if I find one. Unfortunately they all called first born girl Mary Ann and their surname was Green! Carole |
Merry | Report | 9 Aug 2005 15:06 |
I also find it strange when they use a Christian name as a first name for one child and as a middle name for a couple of the others, so you might get: Henry William Smith William George Smith George Henry Smith all in one family, and alive at the same time! Also, names that are almost the same: I have siblings on my tree called Henry and Harry and Ann and Hannah. Hubby has an ancestor called Elizabeth Eliza Bates. Maybe they sometimes lacked imagination!!?? Sarah |
Carole | Report | 9 Aug 2005 15:03 |
It is difficult when you can't find a death record for the one that died. I've also found a family member using his elder brothers name which is even more confusing! Carole |
Louise2212 | Report | 9 Aug 2005 15:01 |
in my family - pretty common there was three children who died in one family Henry Samuel, Elizabeth Jane & William Henry Later children where Samuel Henry, Elizabeth Jane & William another family named Rose after he eldest dead sister & in another i think Kate was named after Catherine |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 9 Aug 2005 15:00 |
Very common. I have loads and it gets more confusing the further you get back. |
Rosemary | Report | 9 Aug 2005 14:59 |
I have run across this quite often. I am not sure why it was done though. Rose |
Merry | Report | 9 Aug 2005 14:57 |
Pretty common I think. And they didn't give up! One of mine had 12 children from 1790 onwards and four were called Thomas. ALL of the Thomas' died, but ALL of the other children lived.......It must have seemed as if they put the hex on each child named Thomas (which was their dad's name). Sarah |
Carole | Report | 9 Aug 2005 14:53 |
To name a child after a dead sibling? I've found this a few times. It could be a child born next after the one who died or I have a gap of nearly 20 years. Has anyone else found this? Carole |