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Wicklow, Ireland birth certificates

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Nikki Report 11 Aug 2005 16:07

I may try the GRO then. I know the excat date of birth and village of birth. Hopefully they can go on that alone!

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 11 Aug 2005 11:04

i applied for one from the gro ireland and didn't know the mothers name.i only knew the fathers name and a approx date of birth,they sent back a form with all the details they found and if i wanted the cert i had to send the form back. Karen


Nikki Report 11 Aug 2005 08:30

Rosalyn No Fox's that I've come across so far only Kenny's & a Wafer! Nikki


Margaret Report 11 Aug 2005 00:27

Nikki, FHS usually have microfilms available to search to get the reference for the birth or marriage (similar to FreeBMD and 1837online). When I ordered my certificate I just used this reference - I didn't have to give any parent's names.


Jacqui Report 10 Aug 2005 19:37

Hi Nikki Thats what I thought too when I looked at the GRO Ireland website. Perhaps if you know the exact year and place you could try it as Twinkle suggested. As for Genfindits prices - if you break it down it doesnt sound quite so bad! Youd pay £7 for the cert anyway so your paying £12.50 for a five year search. Jacqui


CATHKIN Report 10 Aug 2005 19:19

Have you any Fox`s in County Wicklow? Rosalyn


Twinkle Report 10 Aug 2005 19:03

Yes, the online form does require you to know just about every single detail on the cert. That's why I haven't got any, either. The Irish records are not computerised and it takes an awfully long time to go through them all if you can only provide an approximate date. Genfindit do all the searching for you, hence their prices. You could try ordering it without putting in all the information and hope. It depends how many details you're missing. Some people have been lucky and received a certificate, but technically, they don't even have to look if you haven't completed the form.


Nikki Report 10 Aug 2005 15:22

I had a look at the Irish GRO site & it seems that you have to have the mothers maiden name,th childs exact date of birth and exact place of birth (the full address) to be able to apply for a birth certificate. Is this correct? The reason for me aplpying for the certificate is to find out who the mother was!!


Margaret Report 10 Aug 2005 00:30

Nikki, If your certificates are from before 1922 you should be able to get them from http://www.groireland(.)ie/apply_for_a_cert.htm If you are just searching for information, there is an option for a photocopy of the entry - and that is all it is - a copy of the little box they print on the certificate. These cost 1.90 euro. The down side is the length of time it takes to get them - maybe it was just my luck, but I faxed an order in March and received the copy a few weeks ago. They did not charge my card until they were sending the copy though. It may have been a backlog thing, and it is cleared up now. Guess you could make a quick call to check. But I think I would rather wait, than spend the money to find out it was the wrong one (over $15 per certificate CDN).


Jacqui Report 10 Aug 2005 00:24

Hi Nikki Just realised they seem to have put the price up and extended the search period since I ordered a week ago! Jacqui


Jacqui Report 9 Aug 2005 23:43

Hi Nikki I know how you feel. All my maternal line is from Ireland too and as you say there are loads of them. I think the details on the cert are the same as the english ones. Jacqui


Kate Report 9 Aug 2005 23:10

Have a look at this site: It is the official website of the General Register Office in Ireland and you may find you can order at least some of the certs you want directly from them. Kate.


Nikki Report 9 Aug 2005 22:52

Oh... 4 - 6 weeks seems like such a long time!! Had a look at the site & it states £19.50 - for each certificate. My maternal side of the family are all from Ireland & there's loads of them!! Looks like I'll need to be saving hard to afford all of the certs I need! Do you know what information the certs show Jacui? Nikki


Jacqui Report 9 Aug 2005 22:00

Hi Nikki I've just sent off for my first irish certificate from www.genfindit(.)com. I asked on here a few weeks ago if anyone had used them and someone said they had and could recommend the service so I thought I'd give it a go. The cost depends on how much info you already have - the more you know the less it is. Turn around time is quite long though - 4 to 6 weeks Jacqui


Nikki Report 9 Aug 2005 21:40

Does anyone know... a) The best/cheapest/quickest place to order them from(other than in person) b) What information is needed to obtain the certificate. c) What information is provided. I've ordered countless English ones but don't know if Irish ones are any different. Thanks in advance of any help Nikki